john wick (stern) v 0.93

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john wick (stern) v 0.93

Message par jb » jeu. 11 07, 2024 10:19

LE V0.84 - July 9, 2024

- Fixed an issue that could cause the VIP lane to kill the bumper and
slingshot during Adversary battles.

- Fixed an issue that could cause the game to crash if all 5 Adversary battles
had been completed.

- Fixed an issue that could cause mode timers to count down while the ball was
in the Red Circle lock.

- Fixed an issue that caused the drop target to raise during Excommunicado
Multiball which blocked the Super Jackpot shot.

- Fixed an issue that could cause the game to report a lockup error if the
ball would not clear the opto at the start of Excommunicado Multiball.

- Fixed an issue that could allow players to start Excommunicado Multiball
during the Zero Adversary Battle.

- Fixed an issue that allowed players to collect an Extra Ball on the same
shot that lit the Extra Ball.

- Fixed an issue that could cause players to share progress toward
adversary battles in multiplayer games.

- Fixed an issue that could cause scores to end in a digit other than 0
when players scored their job bonus at the Administration.

- Fixed an issue that could cause the dance floor shot arrow not to pulse
when an enemy was blocking the shot.

- Fixed an issue that prevented the High Table faction from lighting
when the drop target was hit.

- Fixed an issue that could cause the VIP Timer to continue awarding points
after the player was no longer playing Escort the VIP.


- Bonus:
- Added a speech callout for a good bonus score (over 10M.)

- Skill Shots:
- Updated Skill Shot Scoring:
- Added the Baba Yaga Skill Shot for 1.5M - awarded by plunging the
Weapons Crate without hitting any shooter lane switches.
- Changed the Super Crate Skill Shot to award 750,000.
- Changed the Crate Skill Shot to award 300,000.
- Added another Crate Skill Shot worth 150,000.
- Changed the VIP Skill Shot to 650,000.
- Added scoring increases to all skill shots for each skill shot made
throughout a single game.

- Excommunicado Multiball:
- Added an adjustment DROP TARGET AT EXCOMMUNICADO START which defaults to
- Added a UI element to show the current jackpot value as it grows.

- Adversary Battles:
- Added a UI element to show the "Escape" value during all Adversary

- Taxicab Chase Multiball:
- Added a UI element to show the hurry-up value as it counts down.

- Locations:
- Changed locations to modes that start when the player makes the first
enemy shot.
- Changed the default background video to New York City Daytime from 6am to
6pm and New York City Nightime from 6pm until 6am.

- Red Circle Dance Club:
- Added a lockout period to prevent balls that released from the lock
awarding shots to the dance floor.

- Light Shows:
- Various Improvements to light shows throughout gameplay.
- Improved speaker light backgrounds during John Wick action clips.
- Added unique lightshows to all Adversary battle effects.

- Speech:
- Added additional John Wick film speech throughout gameplay.

- High Score to Date:
- Improved typewriter effect during High Score to Date entry.

- Ball Save:
- Increased the default Ball Save time to 9 seconds.
- Added checks to prevent the initial ball save from timing down when the
ball is in the Red Circle Dance Club or the Crate VUK.

Moved to System v3.71:

- Updated to nodeboard firmware/protocol v1.17.0

- Update Standard Adjustment #45 Knocker Volume to have settings of:
OFF, LOW, NORMAL, VERY LOW with a default setting of NORMAL

- Update Diag->Knocker test to use knocker volume as specified by the Standard Adjustment

- Various behind the scenes improvements for correctness and performance.

LE V0.83 - June 18, 2024

- Fixed an issue that could show a jackpot worth 00 points during
Deconsecrated Multiball.

- Fixed an issue that could cause the adversary inserts to continue
flashing after the mode had been played.

- Fixed an issue that could prevent the marker mechanism from opening while
the award animation played.

- Fixed an issue that could award mode shots immediately when a mode was

- Fixed an issue that could cause Excommunicado Multiball to end prematurely
if the ball save expired during the build phase.

- Fixed an issue that could prevent the player from starting Excommunicado

- Fixed an issue that could prevent players from re-activating the Blood Oath
Marker Ball Save after tilting.


- Adjustments:
- Moved TROUGH EJECT POWER to the first game adjustment.

- Light Effects:
- Improved light effects throughout gameplay.

- Multiball:
- Added grace periods to all multiballs.

- Extra Ball:
- Added automatic percentaging adjustment value AUTO for Enemies extra ball.
- Changed number of job starts to light extra ball to 4 (was 3.)

- Blood Oath Marker Ball Save:
- Changed the rules for the Blood Oath Marker:
- Only 1 outlane ball save may be qualified at a time.
- Using an outlane ball save adds a fingerprint to one side of the Blood
Oath Marker, and prevents further saves from being qualified until the
Blood Oath Marker obligation is fulfilled.
- Starting an Adversary Battle after using an outlane ball save adds a
fingerprint to the opposite side of the Blood Oath Marker. This allows for
another outlane save to be qualified.
- Outlane ball save inserts now only light if a Blood Oath Marker save is
- Changed on-screen text when a Blood Oath Marker Save is used to explain
that battling an Adversary requalifies the Blood Oath Marker Save.
- If an Adversary battle is started and the player hasn't used a ball save
beforehand, the Adversary battle will begin with 10 more seconds of ball
save time.
- Increased the number of hits to light the first marker save to 4.

- Jobs:
- Changed scoring of job modes. Enemies defeated this job has the highest
impact on job scoring, followed by enemies defeated this ball, and enemies
defeated this game.
- Changed "Job Boost" message to add time. 30 seconds of time can be added
once per job.

- Deconsecrated Multiball:
- Added a "shot spotted" rule to Deconsecrated Multiball when the player
hits the Continental when no WINSTON letters are ready.

- Excommunicado Multiball:
- Changed the rules for Excommunicado Multiball:
- Reduced lock timer to 15 seconds (was 25).
- Hitting a flashing ramp standup now turns it to solidly lit and adds
5 seconds to the build phase timer.
- Added "Excommunicado in effect: 15 seconds" Operator callout to build
phase start.
- Added a "time added" slide-in graphic for hitting a flashing ramp

- Bagarre à L'étoile Multiball:
- Added "Jackpot Multiplier Maxed" text when the jackpot multiplier reaches
- Changed the orbits to no longer build the jackpot.

- Adversary Battles:
- Changed escape to light by completing the Marker bank once.
- Changed the target rule to require both individual targets to be hit.

- Viggo Adversary Battle:
- Reduced the number of shots needed to award the Be Seeing You bonus to 12
(was 15.)
- Added the gold arrow shots to the list of shots that count towards the Be
Seeing You bonus.

- Spinner:
- Increased the maximum car bash values.

- UI:
- Added attract messages for all 4 player score boxes.

- WP:
- Tweaked the Rank Up sound effect.
- Improved choreography and timing of Rank overlay updates.


- Added over 100 new movie quotes as game speech callouts.

- Added the John Wick Pinball event-driven effect system:
- Added synchronized shaker motor, expression light, and speaker light
effects for gunshots, combat, impacts, explosions, and other film effects.
- Event-driven shaker motor effects will only play if the shaker motor is

Moved to System v3.69:

- Updated to nodeboard firmware/protocol v1.16.0

- Various behind the scenes improvements for correctness and performance.

LE V0.82 - May 21, 2024
- Initial release.
Modifié en dernier par jb le lun. 23 12, 2024 21:57, modifié 3 fois.

rech un moteur pour le flipper frank thomas big hurt (gottlieb).reference>31297
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Re: john wick (stern)

Message par jb » jeu. 24 10, 2024 21:21

LE V0.88 - August 28, 2024

- Fixed an issue which could cause the Assassination Job to spawn an excessive
number of enemies.

- Fixed an issue that could prevent players from scoring the right orbit
switch for several seconds after balls were plunged.

- Fixed an issue that could cause the add-a-ball light show to run during
multiball grace periods.

- Fixed an issue that could cause the super jackpot lightshow for Helipad
Showdown multiball to continue playing aftre the multiball was no longer

- Fixed an issue that could cause some switches to incorrectly kill the skill
shot timer.

- Fixed an issue that could cause the skill shots to play incorrect speech

- Fixed an issue that could cause players to share location progress during
multiplayer games.

- Fixed an issue that could cause location modes not to end properly after the
player had defeated enough enemies.

- Fixed an issue that could cause Bagarre à L'étoile multiball to revive
Motorcycle Pursuit multiball if a ball was added during the grace period.


- Enemies:
- Changed enemy spawning to happen every 20 seconds on a fixed timer.
- Changed enemies to spawn then immediately move on the enemy spawn timer
instead of using different timers to handle spawning and movement.
- Added enemy spawn timer warning and spawn sound effects.
- Added enemy wave spawn lightshow.
- Updated enemy spawn rules:
- Enemies only spawn at ball start and with the enemy spawn timer.
- +1 Enemy will spawn for each ball played this game (i.e. Ball 2 = 2
enemies spawn.)
- +1 Enemy will spawn for each job and multiball mode played. This will
reset to 0 each time an Adversary Battle has been played.
- +1 Enemy will spawn for each Adversary Battle played.
- +1 Enemy will spawn for every 4 switch hits in the red circle dance club
since the last enemy spawn.
- +1 Enemy will spawn for each VIP entrance switch since the last enemy

- Jobs:
- Added music to each Job.

- Taxicab Chase:
- Changed the add-a-ball rule to allow players to qualify add-a-ball during
the hurry-up phase.

- Excommunicado Multiball:
- Changed Excommunicado Multiball to allow players to qualify add-a-ball
during the jackpot build phase.

- Combos:
- Removed combo light arrows from the playfield. Combos will still award
points when made.

- Increased scoring for car retracted and car extended hits.
- Increased scoring for Job mode scores.
- Increased the music volume during gameplay.


- Ally Perks:
- Added Ally Perks for each Ally (Akira, Charon, and Katia) that help the
player defeat enemies during Jobs and Multiballs.
- Allies are lit by making their corresponding ramp shots while no Jobs,
Multiballs, or Adversary Battles are active. Allies require +1 shots to light
after they are activated.
- Each Ally adds +1x scoring multiplier to all player-defeated allies while
the Ally is active.
- Allies become active once any Job or Multiball has started after an Ally
is lit. Allies remain active until all Job and Multiball modes end.
- Added Akira Ally Perk - Defeats all enemies on the shot with the most
enemies lit.
- Added Charon Ally Perk - Destroys all armored enemies on the playfield.
- Added Katia Ally Perk - Defeats 1 unarmored enemy on each shot where there
are any unarmored enemies.
- Added new display effects for ally perk progress, ally lit, and ally perks

Moved to System v3.76:

- Updated to nodeboard firmware/protocol v1.19.0

- Various behind the scenes improvements for correctness and performance.

LE V0.86 - August 6, 2024
- Score balancing has been updated for this release. All HSTD Champion Scores
earned on previous releases will be reset when moving to v0.86.0.


- Fixed an issue that could cause crate difficulty level to be shared between
players in multiplayer games.

- Fixed an issue that prevented the car chase multiball hurryup timer from
pausing for inactivity such as pop bumper hits.


- Deconsecrated Multiball:
- Changed the Ramp Diverter Flasher to blink when the super jackpot is
- Tweaked Scoring to incorporate Enemies Defeated.
- Letters Completed Bonus changed to 250k.
- Shot awards changed to 200k + (25k*enemies_this_mode).
- Jackpots are now worth: jackpot_letters_lit * (500k +
75k*enemies_this_mode + 5k*enemies_this_ball).
- Super Jackpots are now worth: 2.5M + 250k*enemies_this_mode +
25k*enemies_this_ball + 2.5k*enemies_this_game.

- Excommunicado Multiball:
- Tweaked Scoring to incorporate Enemies Defeated.
- Super Jackpots are now worth: 1M + 2.5k*enemies_this_game +
25k*enemies_this_ball + 150k*enemies_this_mode.

- Lights:
- Changed the shot arrow color in all multiballs to #E10098.

- Speech:
- Tweaked the timing of game start speech since the location start video no
longer plays immediately at the start of the game.

- Adjustments:
- Increased the minimum BALL LAUNCH POWER to 145.
- Increased the minimum RIGHT VUK POWER to 130.


- Location Modes:
- Locations are started when any enemy is defeated.
- The number of enemies remaining in the current location is tracked on the
- Locations pause while any multiball is running, and continue when any
enemy is defeated after a multiball is no longer running.
- Completing a location will light an Adversary Battle.

- Daily Random Gameplay Seed:
- Added support to generate a new gameplay seed every day at UTC 0:00:00.
- The gameplay seed will be evaluated at game start, and will be the same
for all players in a multiplayer game.
- The daily gameplay seed will determine the order of locations.
- The daily gameplay seed will determine the order of Car Chase multiballs.

- Achievements:
- Added achievements for completing JOHN WICK'S HOUSE, CATACOMBS, and

Moved to System v3.73:

- Updated to nodeboard firmware/protocol v1.18.0

- Updated Service Menu->Util->Install->Home to set: "KNOCKER VOLUME" to VERY LOW

- Various behind the scenes improvements for correctness and performance.

rech un moteur pour le flipper frank thomas big hurt (gottlieb).reference>31297
rech pieds pour flipper wpc et system 11
rech dome topper pour un whitewater.

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Localisation : bordeaux

Re: john wick (stern) v 0.88

Message par jb » jeu. 31 10, 2024 21:32

nouveau code v 0.90 le 31/10/2024
LE V0.90 - October 31, 2024

- Fixed an issue that caused the Taxicab Chase hurryup value to decrease too

- Fixed an issue that could cause Allies to remain qualified after a player
had tilted.


- Car Multiball:
- Increased the number of balls in play in subsequent car multiballs, to a
maximum of 6 balls in play. Add-a-ball is still available in all car
multiballs. If the maximum number of balls are already in play, add-a-ball
will award additional ball save time.
- 1st Multiball - 3 balls in play.
- 2nd Multiball - 4 balls in play.
- 3rd Multiball - 5 balls in play.
- 4th Multiball - 6 balls in play.
- 5th Multiball - 4 balls in play.
- 6th Multiball - 5 balls in play.
- etc.
- Updated all car multiballs to use the shared CAR JACKPOT value.

- Car Progression:
- Updated the car bash phases to build CAR JACKPOT.
- Instituted a maximum of 4 car hits needed in each position.
- Car alternates between FRONT and SIDE hits to progress toward multiball.
- FRONT hits award 100,000 + 1,000 per spinner rotation.
- SIDE hits award 200,000 + 1,500 per spinner rotation.

- Changed the WINSTON spellout to light all 3 locks when completed.
- Changed the default WINSTON SPELLOUT DIFFICULTY to HARD (W-I- spotted).

- Taxicab Chase Multiball:
- Changed the Taxicab Chase hurryup to start at the current CAR JACKPOT value
and count down to a minimum of 250,000 points.

- Jobs:
- Standardized shot scores across jobs.
- Simplified all job instructions.

- Assassination mode:
- Removed the assassination mode scoring boost for shots made.

- Excommunicado Multiball:
- Increased excommunicado multiball scoring during the build jackpot phase.
- Increased lit shots to 200,000.
- Increased lit targets to 125,000.

- Blood Oath Marker:
- Updated the Blood Oath Marker to remain physically open until completed.

- Adjustments:
- Removed the dead adjustment "ENEMIES DEFEATED FOR ADVERSARY".
- Added "ENEMY SPAWN TIMER TONE" adjustment to control the Enemy Spawn sound
effect with values HIGH (default), LOW, and NONE.

- Light Shows:
- Improved various light shows throughout gameplay.


- Added LIGHTS OUT 2X Scoring:
- LIGHTS OUT is qualified by spelling YAGA at the bottom lanes.
- Completing YAGA once lights LIGHTS OUT, addition completions of YAGA
before or during LIGHTS OUT award Motion Sensors.
- LIGHTS OUT can be started by pressing the lockdown bar button.
- Motion Sensors can be placed when available by pressing the lockdown bar
button while LIGHTS OUT is running.
- LIGHTS OUT starts a 30 second 2X scoring multiplier on all game scoring
and hides all playfield inserts except for BABA YAGA lanes, ball save, shoot
again, and extra ball.
- Motion Sensors illuminate a range of playfield inserts for 10 seconds and
add +20 seconds to the LIGHTS OUT 2X scoring timer.

- Added additional game achievements for LIGHTS OUT and Motion Sensor placement.

- Added CAR JACKPOT carryover score:
- The CAR JACKPOT starts at 1,000,000 points and builds throught the entire game.
The value of the CAR JACKPOT will never reset or decrease during gameplay.
- Each Car hit during mainplay adds 20% of the awarded value to CAR JACKPOT.
- Each Car Multiball award builds the Car Jackpot by:
- 50,000 - CAR JACKPOT
- 5,000 - Other Car Multiball Awards
- CAR MULTIBALL non-jackpot awards are always 20% of the value of CAR JACKPOT.
- CAR JACKPOT can be multiplied up to 4x in every CAR MULTIBALL.
- CAR SUPER JACKPOT is always 5x the value of the CAR JACKPOT.

- Added DJ Mixer:
- DJ Mixer includes all 14 original tracks for the John Wick Pinball soundtrack.
- Composed by Charlie Benante (Anthrax/Pantera) with Andy Lagis.

- Added game tutorial videos to attract mode.

Moved to System v3.81:

- Updated France default pricing to Euro 4 - 1/EUR 1.00, 2/EUR 2.00, 3/EUR 3.00, 5/EUR 4.00

- Increase volume level of Service Menu buttons

- Various behind the scenes improvements for correctness and performance.

- Added Standard Adjustment "SPEAKER LED BRIGHTNESS", 0..100% level
for the expression speaker lighting, available when the accessory is installed.

- Correct issue where the Cabinet Speaker Type (4 vs 8 ohm) could be incorrectly applied to
the Backbox Speaker volume.

rech un moteur pour le flipper frank thomas big hurt (gottlieb).reference>31297
rech pieds pour flipper wpc et system 11
rech dome topper pour un whitewater.

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Re: john wick (stern) v 0.88

Message par jb » sam. 07 12, 2024 19:32

LE V0.91 - November 13, 2024

Moved to System Changes 3.85:
- Updated to nodeboard firmware/protocol v1.19.0
- Conagent v1.0.16
- Added Indonesia Country Code
- Updated Pricing Table:
Euro 10 - 1/EUR 2.00, 2/EUR 3.00, 3/EUR 4.00.
Euro 11 - 1/EUR 2.00, 2/EUR 4.00, 3/EUR 5.00.
Euro 12 - 1/EUR 2.00, 3/EUR 4.00, 7/EUR 6.00.
Indonesia 1 - 1/20000 Rp, 3/50000 Rp, 8/100000 Rp
Indonesia 2 - 1/20000 Rp, 4/50000 Rp, 10/100000 Rp
Indonesia 3 - 2/20000 Rp, 6/50000 Rp, 13/100000 Rp
- Change threshold for "Weak WIFI Signal" Tech Alert from -60db to -70db
- Increase volume level of Service Menu buttons
- Add support for WiFi SSID containing non-printable and unicode characters.
- Added Standard Adjustment "HOME TEAM MENU LOGS IN USER #1", which controls the
whether the first member of the Home Team is automatically logged in at game start. Values are:
"NO" -- No one is automatically logged in at game start, default value
"YES" -- The first member of the Home Team is automatically logged in at game start
- Added Standard Adjustment "ACTION BUTTON BEHAVIOR", which controls the
behavior of the lockdown bar action button. Values are:
"DISABLED" -- action button does nothing in attract mode
"ENTER GAME PLAY MENU" -- action button enters the game play selection screen
"START GAME" -- action button start a game, default value
- Action Button colors:
Green: Start Game
Yellow: Game Play Menu Action (was previously Orange)
- Updated Service Menu->Util->Install->Home to set:
- Updated Service Menu->Util->Install->Competition to set:
- Recommended steps to configure a game for a tournament are:
Service Menu->Util->Install->Default Setting
Service Menu->Util->Install->Competition
- Changed Play Again screen so that it will restart the previously selected Game Play Mode.
- Various behind the scenes improvements for correctness and performance.

rech un moteur pour le flipper frank thomas big hurt (gottlieb).reference>31297
rech pieds pour flipper wpc et system 11
rech dome topper pour un whitewater.

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Dept: 33
Collec Perso: 0 flip
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Messages : 19972
Enregistré le : 01/10/2002
Niveau : Confirmé
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Localisation : bordeaux

Re: john wick (stern) v 0.93

Message par jb » lun. 23 12, 2024 21:57

LE V0.93 - December 23, 2024

- Fixed an issue that could infrequently cause balls to lock in the dance
floor during adversary battles.

- Fixed an issue that could cause players to start LIGHTS OUT during bonus
which could carry over to the next player in a multiplayer game.

- Fixed a display issue with TOPS high score entries.


- Adversary Battles:
- Added a Collect or Continue choice to the Escape Jackpot during Adversary
- Changed the qualification of the Escape Jackpot to require players to hit
all 5 bash toys in the game:
- Changed the starting value of the Escape Jackpot to 100,000.
- Changed the Adversary Qualified Award to 50,000.
- Changed the Adversary Started Award to 100,000.
- Increased the default Adversary ball save timer to 40 seconds.
- Added an additional 30 seconds of ball save when players had an unused
Blood Oath Marker ball save.

- Ares:
- Increased the score of Ares Battle Hidden Shots:
- Starting Value: 3,000,000.
- Increases By: 1,250,000 per shot made.
- Maximum: 35,000,000.

- Cassian:
- Updated the Cassian Switch Frenzy Scoring:
- All switches now award 2,500 per switch hit.
- Switches build the Cassian Jackpot by 10,000 per switch hit.
- Switches build the Escape Jackpot by 2,500 per switch hit.

- Increased the score of the Cassian Jackpot:
- Starting Value: 2,500,000.
- The value of the Cassian Jackpot increases by 250,000 each time it is
- The value of the Cassian Jackpot resets each time all shots are relit
when 100 switches are made.

- Kirill:
- Updated Kirill Scoring:
- Each arrow shot (Kirill Award) increases the Dance Club jackpot by
- The Dance Club jackpot value never resets.

- Zero:
- Removed the Job Start VUK from the Zero Combo Payoff shot array.
- Removed the Administration Eject from combo-able shots during the mode. The
Administration Eject will award a 2x Payoff while any combo is active.
- Changed the Zero Payoff shot to award the current combo value instead of a
fixed score.
- Changed the Zero Combo to start at 750,000 (+100,000 per combo payoff
collected) and increase by 250,000 for each combo shot made.

- Scoring:
- Changed the value of the Add-A-Ball lit award to 20,000.
- Changed the value of the Add-A-Ball award to 40,000.

- SFX:
- Updated the spinner sound effect.

- Added an expression lighting effect to show how much time is remaining
during LIGHTS OUT.

- Added speech and sound effects to the SOUND/SPEAKER TEST menu.


- Added 80 additional speech callouts from the John Wick films.

Moved to System v3.87:

- Various behind the scenes improvements for correctness and performance.

rech un moteur pour le flipper frank thomas big hurt (gottlieb).reference>31297
rech pieds pour flipper wpc et system 11
rech dome topper pour un whitewater.
