Vos avis et notations des flippers

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[DOT] [Numériques] [Alphanumériques] [Mécaniques] [P2K/Vidéo] [LCD]

Liste des flippers Alphanumériques

Flipper Marque année Nb Proprio Rech Note Générale (nb notes) Plateau Artistique Son
& Anims
1 Phantom Of The Opéra data east 1990      ipdb 7 3 8.91 (19) 8.55 9.29 9.05 8.7
2 Class Of 1812 gottlieb 1991      ipdb 18 2 8.91 (20) 9.05 8.4 9.08 9.17
3 The Machine williams 1991      ipdb 36 10 8.86 (35) 8.89 8.5 9.14 8.93
4 Fun House williams 1990      ipdb 46 15 8.8 (53) 9.22 8.31 8.69 9.04
5 Dr Dude bally 1990      ipdb 23 4 8.76 (21) 8.9 8.43 8.71 9.05
6 Mousin' Around bally 1989      ipdb 13 4 8.71 (20) 9.18 7.9 8.78 9.1
7 Earthshaker williams 1989      ipdb 28 9 8.71 (44) 8.91 8.25 8.73 9.02
8 Whirlwind williams 1990      ipdb 27 7 8.69 (44) 9.05 8.22 8.56 9.05
9 Elvira And The Party Monsters bally 1989      ipdb 26 18 8.68 (39) 8.64 8.71 8.74 8.63
10 Surf'n Safari Gottlieb 1991      ipdb 10 2 8.55 (11) 9 7.73 8.86 8.61
11 Cactus Jack gottlieb 1991      ipdb 9 4 8.53 (17) 8.65 7.91 9 8.59
12 Diner williams 1990      ipdb 11 6 8.51 (13) 9 7.92 8.15 9.13
13 Taxi Williams 1988      ipdb 18 5 8.47 (12) 8.71 7.75 8.63 8.89
14 Tx Sector Gottlieb 1988      ipdb 13 1 8.44 (13) 8.54 6.96 9.54 8.82
15 Black Knight 2000 williams 1989      ipdb 27 5 8.39 (47) 8.37 8.15 8.6 8.47
16 The Time Machine data east 1988      ipdb 6 0 8.34 (11) 8.18 8.23 8.73 8.18
17 Back To The Future data east 1990      ipdb 3 5 8.11 (18) 7.5 8.19 8.72 8
18 Bad Cats williams 1989      ipdb 13 7 8.01 (23) 8.22 7.91 7.89 8
19 Jokerz williams 1988      ipdb 19 3 7.99 (15) 8.4 7.7 7.67 8.27
20 Bonebusters Gottlieb 1989      ipdb 5 2 7.99 (18) 8.19 7.69 8.36 7.59
21 Lights Camera Action gottlieb 1989      ipdb 7 0 7.98 (13) 8.65 7.27 7.58 8.56
22 Victory gottlieb 1987      ipdb 14 1 7.91 (13) 8.23 6.81 8.27 8.46
23 Pinbot williams 1986      ipdb 12 3 7.87 (12) 8.25 6.88 8.33 8.06
24 Spring Break gottlieb 1987      ipdb 12 2 7.86 (12) 8.29 6.42 8.5 8.33
25 Rollergames williams 1990      ipdb 8 2 7.59 (11) 8.32 6.77 7.59 7.7
26 Diamond Lady gottlieb 1988      ipdb 5 2 7.16 (11) 7.64 6 7.5 7.64
27 Genesis Gottlieb 1986      ipdb 9 2 6.98 (14) 7.79 4.75 8.14 7.33
28 F-14 Tomcat williams 1987      ipdb 21 3 6.91 (16) 7.09 6.5 7.06 7
29 Monte Carlo gottlieb 1987      ipdb 8 2 5.79 (11) 6.64 4.55 5.82 6.3
30 Raven gottlieb 1986      ipdb 4 1 4.49 (13) 5.31 3.42 4.81 4.41

Liste des flippers n'ayant pas assez de notes.

Amazon Hunt II gottlieb 1987    ipdb (Seulement 1 avis)
Amazon Hunt III Gottlieb 1991    ipdb (Seulement 1 avis)
Atlantis bally 1989    ipdb (Seulement 8 avis)
Bad Girl gottlieb 1988    ipdb (Seulement 6 avis)
Banzai Run Williams 1988    ipdb (Seulement 8 avis)
Big Guns williams 1987    ipdb (Seulement 7 avis)
Big House Gottlieb 1989    ipdb (Seulement 9 avis)
Blackwater 100 bally 1988    ipdb (Seulement 5 avis)
Bounty Hunter gottlieb 1985    ipdb (Seulement 3 avis)
Bugs Bunny's Birthday Ball bally 1991    ipdb (Seulement 10 avis)
Car Hop gottlieb 1991    ipdb (Seulement 1 avis)
Chicago Triple Cups gottlieb 1985    ipdb (Seulement 2 avis)
Cyclone williams 1988    ipdb (Seulement 9 avis)
Cyclone williams 1988    ipdb (Seulement 7 avis)
Deadly Weapon gottlieb 1990    ipdb (Seulement 3 avis)
Dungeons And Dragons bally 1987    ipdb (Seulement 5 avis)
Escape From The Lost World bally 1988    ipdb (Seulement 5 avis)
Excalibur gottlieb 1988    ipdb (Seulement 9 avis)
Fire williams 1987    ipdb (Seulement 8 avis)
Gold Wings gottlieb 1986    ipdb (Seulement 5 avis)
Grand Lizard williams 1986    ipdb (Seulement 2 avis)
Hardbody bally 1987    ipdb (Seulement 3 avis)
Harley Davidson Gottlieb 1994    ipdb (Seulement 3 avis)
Harley Davidson bally 1991    ipdb (Seulement 2 avis)
Heavy Metal Meltdown Bally 1987    ipdb (Seulement 2 avis)
High Speed williams 1986    ipdb (Seulement 8 avis)
Hollywood Heat gottlieb 1986    ipdb (Seulement 9 avis)
Hoops gottlieb 1991    ipdb (Seulement 1 avis)
Hot Shots Gottlieb 1989    ipdb (Seulement 10 avis)
Lady Luck bally 1986    ipdb (Seulement 1 avis)
Laser War data east 1987    ipdb (Seulement 2 avis)
Millionaire williams 1987    ipdb (Seulement 2 avis)
Motordome bally 1986    ipdb (Seulement 2 avis)
Operation Thunder gottlieb 1992    ipdb (Seulement 8 avis)
Party Animal bally 1987    ipdb (Seulement 5 avis)
Playboy 35th data east 1989    ipdb (Seulement 3 avis)
Police Force williams 1989    ipdb (Seulement 4 avis)
Pool Shark bally 1990    ipdb (Seulement 1 avis)
Pool Sharks bally 1990    ipdb (Seulement 3 avis)
PUNCHY THE CLOWN gottlieb 1993    ipdb (Seulement 1 avis)
Radical bally 1990    ipdb (Seulement 8 avis)
Riverboat Gambler williams 1990    ipdb (Seulement 8 avis)
Road Kings williams 1986    ipdb (Seulement 3 avis)
Robo-war Gottlieb 1988    ipdb (Seulement 8 avis)
Secret Service data east 1988    ipdb (Seulement 6 avis)
Silver Slugger gottlieb 1990    ipdb (Seulement 9 avis)
Space Station williams 1988    ipdb (Seulement 9 avis)
Special Force bally 1986    ipdb (Seulement 1 avis)
Strange Science bally 1986    ipdb (Seulement 4 avis)
Swords Of Fury williams 1988    ipdb (Seulement 10 avis)
The Bally Game Show bally 1990    ipdb (Seulement 5 avis)
The Simpsons data east 1990    ipdb (Seulement 10 avis)
Title Fight gottlieb 1990    ipdb (Seulement 2 avis)
Torpedo Alley data east 1988    ipdb (Seulement 3 avis)
Transporter The Rescue bally 1989    ipdb (Seulement 1 avis)
Transporter The Rescue bally 1989    ipdb (Seulement 4 avis)
Truck Stop bally 1988    ipdb (Seulement 4 avis)
Vegas gottlieb 1990    ipdb (Seulement 9 avis)

Liste des flippers n'ayant aucune note.

Arena gottlieb 1987    ipdb
ASTEROID ANNIE AND THE ALIEN gottlieb 1980    ipdb
Barracora williams 1981    ipdb
Black Belt bally 1986    ipdb
BlackBelt zaccaria 1986    ipdb
Car Hop gottlieb 1991    ipdb
Cheetah stern 1980    ipdb
Circus gottlieb 1980    ipdb
City Slicker bally 1987    ipdb
Family Fun bell games 1979    ipdb
Flower Child bally 1969    ipdb
Heavy Metal Meltdown bally 1987    ipdb
Karate Fight bally 1986    ipdb
King Kong data east 1990    ipdb
LECTRONAMO stern 1978    ipdb
Magic stern 1979    ipdb
Monday Night Football data east 1989    ipdb
PINBALL CHMP 82 zaccaria 1982    ipdb
Ramp Warrior bally 1988    ipdb
Robocop data east 1990    ipdb
Rock gottlieb 1985    ipdb
Royal Flush De Luxe gottlieb 1984    ipdb
Sky Warrior gottlieb 1978    ipdb
Soccer Ball (Alvin G.) gottlieb 1991    ipdb
Spooky zaccaria 1987    ipdb
Time Machine zaccaria 1983    ipdb
White Shark bell games 1979    ipdb