Vos avis et notations des flippers
Evaluer, classer un flipper parmis la multitude de jeux fabriqué n'est pas chose facile.On espère par cette page, pouvoir vous guider dans vos choix.
Flipper Marque année | Nb Proprio | Rech | Note Générale (nb notes) | Plateau | Artistique | Son & Anims |
Thème |
1 Fast Draw gottlieb 1975 ipdb | 16 | 0 | 9.11 (13) | 9.23 | 6.46 | 0 | 9.59 |
2 Captain Fantastic bally 1976 ipdb | 11 | 0 | 8.88 (12) | 8.5 | 7.25 | 0 | 8.61 |
3 Surf Champ gottlieb 1976 ipdb | 19 | 2 | 8.76 (17) | 8.76 | 6.5 | 0.47 | 8.98 |
4 Big Indian gottlieb 1975 ipdb | 9 | 1 | 8.63 (12) | 8.54 | 6.46 | 0 | 8.78 |
5 Cleopatra gottlieb 1977 ipdb | 6 | 1 | 8.45 (11) | 8.18 | 6.64 | 0 | 8.42 |
6 Spirit Of 76 gottlieb 1975 ipdb | 17 | 1 | 8.38 (12) | 8.54 | 6.08 | 0.71 | 8.44 |
7 Royal Flush gottlieb 1976 ipdb | 20 | 1 | 8.33 (16) | 8.56 | 6.34 | 0 | 7.88 |
8 Canada Dry / Target Alpha gottlieb 1976 ipdb | 24 | 4 | 8.19 (17) | 7.94 | 6.32 | 0 | 8.27 |
9 Oxo williams 1973 ipdb | 6 | 2 | 8.06 (13) | 8.54 | 5.35 | 0 | 8.36 |
Liste des flippers n'ayant pas assez de notes.
300 Gottlieb 1975 ipdb (Seulement 5 avis) |
Abracadabra gottlieb 1971 ipdb (Seulement 2 avis) |
Air Aces bally 1975 ipdb (Seulement 2 avis) |
Bank A Ball gottlieb 1965 ipdb (Seulement 1 avis) |
Beat The Clock williams 1963 ipdb (Seulement 1 avis) |
Big Deal williams 1977 ipdb (Seulement 1 avis) |
Big Shot gottlieb 1973 ipdb (Seulement 1 avis) |
Bonanza gottlieb 1964 ipdb (Seulement 1 avis) |
Bow And Arrow bally 1974 ipdb (Seulement 1 avis) |
Bronco gottlieb 1977 ipdb (Seulement 8 avis) |
Buckaroo gottlieb 1965 ipdb (Seulement 3 avis) |
Capersville bally 1966 ipdb (Seulement 3 avis) |
Centigrade 37 Gottlieb 1977 ipdb (Seulement 5 avis) |
Check recel 1975 ipdb (Seulement 1 avis) |
Check Mate Recel 1975 ipdb (Seulement 2 avis) |
Close Encounters gottlieb 1978 ipdb (Seulement 5 avis) |
Count Down gottlieb 1979 ipdb (Seulement 1 avis) |
Dealer S Choice williams 1974 ipdb (Seulement 3 avis) |
Dragon interflip 1977 ipdb (Seulement 1 avis) |
EL DORADO gottlieb 1975 ipdb (Seulement 1 avis) |
El Dorado Gottlieb 1975 ipdb (Seulement 5 avis) |
Far Out Gottlieb 1974 ipdb (Seulement 3 avis) |
Fireball bally 1972 ipdb (Seulement 5 avis) |
Four Million B.C. bally 1971 ipdb (Seulement 3 avis) |
Freedom bally 1976 ipdb (Seulement 1 avis) |
Gaucho gottlieb 1963 ipdb (Seulement 3 avis) |
Gay 90's williams 1977 ipdb (Seulement 1 avis) |
Grand Prix williams 1977 ipdb (Seulement 3 avis) |
Gulfstream williams 1973 ipdb (Seulement 2 avis) |
Happy Clown gottlieb 1964 ipdb (Seulement 2 avis) |
Hayburners 2 williams 1968 ipdb (Seulement 2 avis) |
High Hand Gottlieb 1973 ipdb (Seulement 2 avis) |
Hot Shot gottlieb 1973 ipdb (Seulement 8 avis) |
Icarus Recel 1977 ipdb (Seulement 2 avis) |
Jack In The Box gottlieb 1973 ipdb (Seulement 10 avis) |
Jet Spin Gottlieb 1977 ipdb (Seulement 7 avis) |
Joker Poker gottlieb 1978 ipdb (Seulement 5 avis) |
Jolly Roger Williams 1968 ipdb (Seulement 1 avis) |
Jubillee williams 1972 ipdb (Seulement 5 avis) |
Jumping Jack gottlieb 1973 ipdb (Seulement 1 avis) |
Jungle gottlieb 1973 ipdb (Seulement 1 avis) |
Jungle Queen gottlieb 1977 ipdb (Seulement 10 avis) |
King Pin gottlieb 1973 ipdb (Seulement 2 avis) |
Kings & Queens Gottlieb 1965 ipdb (Seulement 2 avis) |
Liberty Belle gottlieb 1962 ipdb (Seulement 2 avis) |
Lucky Man nordamatic 1976 ipdb (Seulement 1 avis) |
Magnotron gottlieb 1974 ipdb (Seulement 2 avis) |
Nip It bally 1972 ipdb (Seulement 1 avis) |
North Star Gottlieb 1964 ipdb (Seulement 2 avis) |
Old Chicago bally 1975 ipdb (Seulement 1 avis) |
Orbit Gottlieb 1971 ipdb (Seulement 4 avis) |
Polo/mini Cycle gottlieb 1970 ipdb (Seulement 1 avis) |
Rack A Ball gottlieb 1962 ipdb (Seulement 2 avis) |
Royal Flush (1957) gottlieb 1957 ipdb (Seulement 2 avis) |
Sheriff gottlieb 1971 ipdb (Seulement 3 avis) |
Ship Mates gottlieb 1964 ipdb (Seulement 4 avis) |
Sinbad gottlieb 1978 ipdb (Seulement 3 avis) |
Sing Along gottlieb 1967 ipdb (Seulement 1 avis) |
Sky Jump gottlieb 1974 ipdb (Seulement 1 avis) |
Space Mission williams 1975 ipdb (Seulement 7 avis) |
Star Pool williams 1974 ipdb (Seulement 2 avis) |
Surf Side gottlieb 1967 ipdb (Seulement 1 avis) |
Sweet Hearts gottlieb 1963 ipdb (Seulement 3 avis) |
Swing Along Gottlieb 1963 ipdb (Seulement 1 avis) |
Tropic Isle Gottlieb 1962 ipdb (Seulement 1 avis) |
Viking (Kit Français Martina) gottlieb 1968 ipdb (Seulement 1 avis) |
VOLLEY gottlieb 1976 ipdb (Seulement 1 avis) |
Vulcan gottlieb 1977 ipdb (Seulement 5 avis) |
Wild Life gottlieb 1972 ipdb (Seulement 1 avis) |
Wizard bally 1975 ipdb (Seulement 4 avis) |
World Fair Gottlieb 1964 ipdb (Seulement 2 avis) |
Liste des flippers n'ayant aucune note.
2001 Gottlieb 1971 ipdb |
4 Roses williams 1962 ipdb |
4 Square gottlieb 1974 ipdb |
8 Ball williams 1952 ipdb |
8 BALL williams 1952 ipdb |
A-Go-Go Williams 1966 ipdb |
Aces & Kings williams 1970 ipdb |
Aloha gottlieb 1961 ipdb |
ARGOSY williams 1977 ipdb |
Atlantis gottlieb 1975 ipdb |
Aztec williams 1976 ipdb |
Baffle Ball gottlieb 1931 ipdb |
Bally Hoo bally 1969 ipdb |
Bank A Ball gottlieb 1965 ipdb |
Bazaar Bally 1966 ipdb |
Beat Time williams 1967 ipdb |
BIG BRAVE gottlieb 1974 ipdb |
Big Daddy williams 1963 ipdb |
Big Injun (pré Série Du Big Gottlieb 1974 ipdb |
Big Show bally 1974 ipdb |
Big Valley bally 1970 ipdb |
Bongo Bally 1964 ipdb |
Boomerang bally 1974 ipdb |
Buccaneer gottlieb 1948 ipdb |
Bullfight bally 1965 ipdb |
Bus Stop Bally 1964 ipdb |
CABARET williams 1968 ipdb |
Cannes (marque Segasa) sega 1976 ipdb |
Card Whiz gottlieb 1976 ipdb |
Carnival Playmatic 1977 ipdb |
Casanova williams 1966 ipdb |
Centigrade 37 gottlieb 1977 ipdb |
Central Park gottlieb 1966 ipdb |
Circus bally 1973 ipdb |
Circus zaccaria 1977 ipdb |
Circus bally 1973 ipdb |
College Queens / Airport gottlieb 1969 ipdb |
Combat zaccaria 1977 ipdb |
Combat zaccaria 1977 ipdb |
Contest Gottlieb 1958 ipdb |
Corral gottlieb 1961 ipdb |
COWBOY Chicago Coin 1970 ipdb |
Criss Cross gottlieb 1958 ipdb |
Cross Country bally 1963 ipdb |
Cross Town gottlieb 1966 ipdb |
Dancing Lady gottlieb 1966 ipdb |
Derby Day williams 1967 ipdb |
Dipsy Doodle williams 1971 ipdb |
Dodge City gottlieb 1965 ipdb |
Domino Gottlieb 1968 ipdb |
Dragon interflip 1977 ipdb |
Drop A Card gottlieb 1967 ipdb |
Eager Beaver Williams 1965 ipdb |
Expressway bally 1970 ipdb |
Faces sonic 1976 ipdb |
Fan-tas-tic williams 1972 ipdb |
Far Out gottlieb 1974 ipdb |
FIERY 30 zaccaria 1974 ipdb |
FIESTA playmatic 1976 ipdb |
Fire Queen gottlieb 1977 ipdb |
Firecracker Bally 1971 ipdb |
Flip A Card gottlieb 1970 ipdb |
FLIP FLOP bally 1976 ipdb |
Flower Child bally 1969 ipdb |
Flying Circus gottlieb 1961 ipdb |
Flying Turns Midway bally 1964 ipdb |
Four Seasons gottlieb 1968 ipdb |
Fun-Fest williams 1973 ipdb |
Gemini gottlieb 1978 ipdb |
Golden Arrow Gottlieb 1977 ipdb |
Grand Slam Gottlieb 1972 ipdb |
Happy Clown gottlieb 1964 ipdb |
Happy Days gottlieb 1952 ipdb |
HEAT WAVE williams 1964 ipdb |
HEAT WAVE williams 1964 ipdb |
Hi Dolly gottlieb 1965 ipdb |
Hi Score gottlieb 1967 ipdb |
HI-DEAL Bally 1975 ipdb |
HIGH HAND gottlieb 1973 ipdb |
HOKUS POKUS bally 1975 ipdb |
Honey williams 1972 ipdb |
Hot & Cold sonic 1978 ipdb |
Hot Tip williams 1977 ipdb |
Humpty Dumpty gottlieb 1947 ipdb |
Jacks Open Gottlieb 1977 ipdb |
Jungle Princess gottlieb 1977 ipdb |
King Kool gottlieb 1972 ipdb |
KING OF DIAMONDS gottlieb 1967 ipdb |
King Pin williams 1962 ipdb |
King Rock gottlieb 1971 ipdb |
Klondike Williams 1971 ipdb |
Lady Luck williams 1968 ipdb |
Landing On Venus - RALLY interflip 1965 ipdb |
Liberty Bell williams 1977 ipdb |
Little Chief williams 1975 ipdb |
Magic City williams 1967 ipdb |
Mariner bally 1973 ipdb |
Mars Trek sonic 1977 ipdb |
Masquerade gottlieb 1966 ipdb |
Mata Hari bally 1977 ipdb |
Mata Hari EM bally 1977 ipdb |
Mayfair gottlieb 1963 ipdb |
Merry Widow williams 1963 ipdb |
Messalina autre 1967 ipdb |
Monte Carlo bally 1973 ipdb |
Moon Flight zaccaria 1976 ipdb |
New World playmatic 1976 ipdb |
Olympic Hockey williams 1972 ipdb |
Out Of Sight gottlieb 1974 ipdb |
Outer Space gottlieb 1972 ipdb |
Paradise gottlieb 1965 ipdb |
Pat Hand williams 1975 ipdb |
Paul BUNYAN gottlieb 1968 ipdb |
PIONEER gottlieb 1976 ipdb |
Pit Stop williams 68 ipdb |
Post Time Williams 1969 ipdb |
POT `O' GOLD williams 1965 ipdb |
Preview gottlieb 1962 ipdb |
Pro-Football gottlieb 1973 ipdb |
Prospector sonic 1977 ipdb |
Pyramid gottlieb 1977 ipdb |
Quartette gottlieb 1952 ipdb |
QUICK DRAW gottlieb 1975 ipdb |
Rally Girl interflip 1966 ipdb |
RECEL Criterium 75 interflip 1975 ipdb |
RECEL SPACE RACE interflip 1977 ipdb |
RIO Playmatic 1977 ipdb |
Rocket III bally 1967 ipdb |
SAFRI bally 1966 ipdb |
Schuss autre 1968 ipdb |
SCUBA gottlieb 1969 ipdb |
See Saw Bally 1970 ipdb |
Segasa Cannes sega 1976 ipdb |
Seven Up williams 1969 ipdb |
Shangri-La Williams 1967 ipdb |
Six Sticks bally 1966 ipdb |
Skill Pool williams 1963 ipdb |
Sky Divers Bally 1964 ipdb |
Sky Line gottlieb 1965 ipdb |
Smart Set williams 1969 ipdb |
Solar Fire williams 1981 ipdb |
Solids N Stripes williams 1971 ipdb |
Space Odyssey Williams 1976 ipdb |
SPACE TIME bally 1973 ipdb |
Space Walk Gottlieb 79 ipdb |
Spin Out gottlieb 1975 ipdb |
SPIN WHEEL gottlieb 1968 ipdb |
Star-jet bally 1963 ipdb |
Straight Flush Gottlieb 1957 ipdb |
Strato Flite williams 1971 ipdb |
Strike Zone williams 1970 ipdb |
Student Prince Williams 1968 ipdb |
Stunt Car sega 1970 ipdb |
Sub Marine (kit Francais Marti gottlieb 1968 ipdb |
Sunset gottlieb 1962 ipdb |
Super Circus gottlieb 1957 ipdb |
Super Hockey Chicago Coin 1949 ipdb |
Super Jumbo Gottlieb 1954 ipdb |
Super Score gottlieb 1967 ipdb |
Super Soccer gottlieb 1975 ipdb |
Super Spin gottlieb 1977 ipdb |
Super Star Williams 1972 ipdb |
Super Straight sonic 1977 ipdb |
Supersonic zaccaria 1977 ipdb |
Surf Rider williams 1956 ipdb |
SURFER gottlieb 1976 ipdb |
Sweet Add A Line gottlieb 1955 ipdb |
Swinger williams 1972 ipdb |
Target Alpha gottlieb 1976 ipdb |
The 4 Horsemen gottlieb 1950 ipdb |
Tic Tac Toe williams 1959 ipdb |
Top Card gottlieb 1974 ipdb |
Top Hand gottlieb 1973 ipdb |
Top Score gottlieb 1975 ipdb |
Triple Strike williams 1975 ipdb |
Vulcan gottlieb 1977 ipdb |
West Club autre 1967 ipdb |
Wild Wild West gottlieb 1969 ipdb |
WORLD BEAUTIES gottlieb 1959 ipdb |