Tales from The Crypt 4.0

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Tales From The Crypt
data east, 1993
(lié par : Scalawax60)
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Tales from The Crypt 4.0

Message par Crrispy » ven. 19 02, 2016 22:30


Un petit compte-rendu/tuto du passage d'un TFTC en version 4.0 développée par pinballcode.com, les auteurs déjà du Star Wars DE 20th anniversary et aussi du Jurassic Park 6.0 que je ne peux pas tester car le flip est parti depuis bieeeeen longtemps. Il vous faut:

1) Fichiers Roms originales 3.03 CPU et 3.01 display sur ipdb http://mirror2.ipdb.org/files/2493/tftc_303.zip
2) Le patch des 2 roms dispo sur pinballcode.com http://www.pinballcode.com/downloads
3) L'utilitaire pour les patches ips, celui suggéré sur la page de download pinballcode va très bien

- Dézipper les 2 roms tftccpua et tftcdspa du zip récupéré d'ipdb.org. Evidemment, le patch n'est que pour la version anglaise des roms
- Lancer Lunar ips, sélectionner le patch cpu puis la rom cpu, et recommencer avec le patch display et la rom display
- Les fichiers sont prêts à être flashés sur 2 eproms vierges, rappel CPU = 27C512, Display = 27C4001
- installer l'eprom display sur la carte de gestion au dos du dot, et la rom cpu sur.. la cpu, certes. Attention à bien respecter le sens avec l'encoche, sinon mort instantanée de l'eprom à la mise sous tension

On allume le jeu et on fait quelques parties... wow, on dirait un nouveau jeu :-) Je ne suis pas expert de ce flip mais les changements sont bien sympas, à commencer bien évidemment par la fréquence du rire du Cryptkeeper qui saoûlait rapidement, rien que pour ça, ça vaut le coup d'installer ces roms!! En tout cas je le recommande à tous les possesseurs de TFTC sans hésitation. Il y a des voix précédemment inutilisées, et effectivement, le scoring semble plus linéaire même si j'ai peu joué avec cette nouvelle rom.

La liste complète des changements (considérables!):
This beloved and classic horror themed pinball machine from 1993 just got better! Newly balanced scoring means all modes are now worth playing. Exciting new rules engage the player for added fun. Your host, The Crypt Keeper, now engages you even more with previously unused or rarely used voice calls. New varying Skill Shot speeds challenges the player. Newly adjustable Crypt Multiball advancement allows the player to customize how difficult it is to achieve multiball. Changes to Left and Right Ramp advancement for Fast Goring modes adds extra Risk vs. Reward challenge. Many bug fixes allow for smoother and more enjoyable game play. Much more!


Skill Shot

Original: Always plays same speed for all balls.
Update: Ball 1 plays slower speed, Ball 2 plays original speed, Ball 3 plays faster speed.

Skill Shot

Original: Guillotine sound effect plays repeatedly until trigger is pressed.
Update: Guillotine sound effect is played only for first 30 times then is silenced for next 225. Player can immediately silence the guillotine at any time by pressing right flipper button.

Skill Shot

Original: Skill Shot score is Ball + 3M.
Update: Skill Shot score is Ball x 2M. This matches the description on the playfield plastic.

Captive Ball

Original: All hits = 1M except for 5th hit = 5M, 10th = Extra Ball, 20th hit = 20M, 30th hit = 30M, 40th hit = 40M, 50th hit = 50M, etc.
Update: All hits = 2M except for 5th hit = 5M + Extra Ball, 10th = 10M, 20th hit = 20M, 30th hit = 30M, 40th hit = 40M, 50th hit = 50M, etc.

EOB Bonus

Original: Starts at 10,000. 15,000 per switch.Maximum of 5,000,000. Maximum 8X multiplier.
Update: No change.

EOB Multiplier

Original: Increase multiplier by hitting all drop targers. Maximum 8X multiplier then 1M per shot afterwards.
Update: No change.


Orginal: Worth 25,010.
Update: Worth 50,010.

Right Orbit Loop

Original: Worth .5M, 1M, 1.5M, 2M, 2.5M, 2.5M, 2.5M, etc. Must not hit any other switches in between.
Update: Worth 1M, 2M, 3M, 4M, 5M, 5M, 5M, etc. Must not hit any other switches in between.

Adjustment 51 - M-Ball Ready Style

Original: Has no effect on the game. Game always spots 3 CRYPT letters between balls. Player is guaranteed to have CRYPT spelled by third ball.
Update: Controls how many CRYPT letters are spotted between balls.

EXTRA EASY will spot 3 letters (1 letter after multi-ball) - This is same as game plays in v.3.03.

Ball 1 = C
Ball 2 = CRYP
Ball 3 = CRYPT (Multi-ball ready)

EASY will spot 2 letters (1 letter after multi-ball)

Ball 1 = C
Ball 2 = CRY
Ball 3 = CRYPT (Multi-ball ready)

MEDIUM will spot 1 letter (0 letters after multi-ball) - This is the default

Ball 1 = C
Ball 2 = CR
Ball 3 = CRY

HARD will spot 0 letters always

Ball 1 = C
Ball 2 = C
Ball 3 = C

EXTRA HARD will spot 0 letters and will reset to C between balls (will reset to nothing after multi-ball)

Ball 1 = C
Ball 2 = C
Ball 3 = C


Door Prize Video Mode

Original: Successful doors are worth 20M, 15M, 10M, 10M, 10M, etc. Completely random and therefore not tournament friendly.
Update: Successful doors are worth 15M, 10M, 5M, 5M, 5M, etc. If any tournament mode is active then door prize collects 30M and mode ends.

Electric Chair Multiball

Original: 6 ball multiball. Scoop is worth 1M x Balls In Play.
Update: 6 ball multiball. Scoop is worth 2M x Balls In Play.


Original: Shoot 25 spinners in 25 seconds to score 25M. Each spinner hit scores 1M. Original text “ALL SPINNERS COUNT DOWN FOR 25 MILLION”.
Update: Shoot 25 spinners in 25 seconds to score 25M. Each spinner hit scores 250K. New text “5X SPINNERS- 25 SPINS FOR 25 MILLION”.

Psycho Pops

Original: Get 25 pop bumper hits in 25 seconds for 25M. Hitting any pop bumper when timer is below 9 seconds will reset the counter to 9 seconds.
Update: Get 15 pop bumper hits in 30 seconds for 25M. Hitting any pop bumper when timer is below 10 seconds will reset the timer to 10 seconds.

Robbing The Crypt

Original: 20 seconds. Crypt opens up. Any shot to the Crypt scores 10M and lights a CRYPT letter. Lighting all CRYPT letters scores 25M and ends mode.
Update: No change.

Skull Cracking

Original: You have 20 seconds to hit the captive ball. Each hit to the captive ball before timer ends will add-a-ball. After timer ends you can no longer add-a-ball. Mode will end after timer ends and only one ball is in play. 1st captive ball hit is worth 5M, 2nd = 10M, 3rd = 15M, 4th+ = 20M. Original text “CAPTIVE BALL SCORES 5 MIL & ADDS A BALL”.
Update: You have 20 seconds to hit the captive ball. Mode now starts with adding a second ball. Each hit to the captive ball before timer ends will add-a-ball and add 5 seconds to the timer. After timer ends you can no longer add-a-ball. Mode will end after timer ends and only one ball is in play. Captive Ball is worth 5M x Balls In Play. New text “CAPTIVE BALL- 5M PER BALL & ADDS A BALL”.

Super Crypt Kicker

Original: Crypt Kicker is active for the remainder of the current ball.
Update: No change.

Super Guillotine Targets

Original: 25 seconds. Drop targets start at 3M. Each drop target shot increases its value by 1M.
Update: No change.

Super Keeper Targets

Original: 25 seconds. Base 6M. All targets start at 2M. Each time hit, increases by 1M. Max 5M. KEEPER targets constantly flash. Mode will end prematurely if player reaches 99M. Original text “SHOOT THE KEEPER TARGETS FOR MULTI-MILLIONS”
Update: 30 seconds. Base 1M. All targets start at 5M. Each time hit, decreases by 1M. Min 1M. KEEPER targets flash until hit and then they stay solid. Hitting all targets grants 25 Million points, 25 MILLION is displayed on screen, sound call “Bury good!” is played, all targets start flashing again, can repeat this bonus. Mode will end prematurely if player reaches 99M (not counting 25M bonuses). New text “KEEPER SCORES MILLIONS. HIT ALL FOR JACKPOT”.


Original: 20 seconds. Shoot ramps for jackpot values. 1M, 4M, 7M, 10M, 13M, 15M (max)
Update: 20 seconds. Jackpot starts at 5M. Spinners increase jackpots by 1M per spin. Collect jackpot by shooting ramps. Jackpot resets to 5M every time you collect. Spinners play new different sound effect. New text “SPINNERS BUILD JACKPOT. COLLECT AT RAMPS.”

Werewolf Countdown

Original: 5M scored at start of mode. Left Spinner counts down from 30M. One shot to spinner scores value. Timer lasts 15 seconds and when it ends the counter is at approx 13M.
Update: 5M scored at start of mode. Left Spinner counts down from 30M. One shot to spinner scores value. Timer lasts 20 seconds and when it ends the counter is at approx 8M.


Tilt Warning

Original: Tilt can only be set to 0, 1, or 3 warnings. Default is 1.
Update: Tilt can be set to 0, 1, 2, or 3 warnings. Default is 2.

Adjustment 40 - Buyin Mode

Original: This is on by default.
Update: This is off by default.

Adjustment 41 - Restart Game

Original: This is on by default. Also, when turned off, game will still restart on Ball 3 when Start Button is pressed.
Update: This is off by default. Also, when turned off, game will no longer restart on Ball 3 when Start button is pressed. (Those with small children will appreciate this.)

Tournament Mode

Original: All Extra Ball awards will award 50 Million instead.
Update: All Extra Ball awards will award 20 Million instead.


Skill Shot

Original: There is no audio difference between a sucessful and an unsucessful skill shot.
Update: A sucessful skill shot will now play one of four random voice calls. "A hole in Juan!", "Bury good!", "Gore one for you!", or "Par for the corpse!".

Drop Targets Bonus Multiplier voice call

Original: When hitting all three drop targets, game always plays voice call “Bury good!”
Update: When hitting all three drop targets, game plays previously unused voice call "Put a little meat on your bonus". Once max bonus is reached, game plays one of two randomly chosen unused voice calls of “One killion!” and “I’ve got a killion of ‘em!”

Ramp voice call

Original: Ramp entrance switches always play the same Crypt Keeper laugh.
Update: Ramp entrance switches sometimes plays one of two different Crypt Keeper laughs and most times plays gunshot sound effects.

Trick Shot

Original: Trick Shot plays “Engore!” quote.
Update: Trick Shot plays unused “What do ya know?!” quote.

Right Orbit

Original: Right Orbit plays “Who goes there?” quote
Update: Right orbit plays right-to-left panning splash sound effect

Left Orbit

Original: Left Orbit plays “Who goes there?” quote
Update: Left Orbit plays splash sound effect

Small and Large Trough

Original: Small Trough and Large Trough both play laugh sound effect.
Update: Small Trough and Large Trough play no sound effect.

Captive Ball

Original: Hitting non-bonus captive ball plays sound of axe chopping.
Update: Hitting non-bonus captive ball plays sound of axe chopping and one of two randomly chosen rarely played voice calls of "How's this for chop security?" and "You axed for it!"

Mystery Door

Original: Mystery Door plays common voice call “Here today, leftovers tomorrow”
Update: Mystery Door plays one of two randomly chosen voice calls of “Gore one for you!” and unused voice call of “Welcome to my tomb with a view”.

Door Prize Video Mode

Original: Mode starts with no voice call.
Update: Mode starts with unused voice call “Open wide and say ahhhhhhhh!”.

Door Prize Video Mode

Original: Mode ends with thunder clap during hanging animation.
Update: Mode ends with unused voice call of “Hangman!” during hanging animation.

Electric Chair Multiball Mode

Original: Start of mode just plays sound effects.
Update: Start of mode plays same sound effects with unused voice call “Cook ‘em Danno!”

Electric Chair Multiball Mode

Original: When scoop shot is made, electrocution sounds are made.
Update: When scoop shot is made, electrocution sounds are made along with unused voice call of “Shocking!”

Frightmare Mode

Original: Start of mode has no voice call.
Update: Start of mode plays unused voice call “Hurry up kiddies”

Frightmare Mode

Original: Successful end of mode plays laugh.
Update: Successful end of mode plays unused voice call “Very unghoul”.

Psycho Pops Mode

Original: Successful end of mode plays voice call "Time for a chopping spree".
Update: Successful end of mode plays thunder and rarely heard voice call "Par for the corpse"

Robbing The Crypt Mode

Original: Voice call “Vault! Who goes there?” is played at start of mode.
Update: Voice call “Vault! Who goes there?” is played at start of mode. Unused voice call of “Go for the vault” is played when ball is kicked out of scoop.

Skull Crackin’ Mode

Original: No second ball is kicked out automatically.
Update: When second ball is kicked out, rarely used voice call of "Two deads are better than one" is played.

Super Crypt Kicker Mode

Original: Start of mode plays common voice call “I've got good noose for you”.
Update: Start of mode plays unused voice call “I know you'll dig this”.

Super Crypt Kicker Mode

Original: Activation of kicker plays common voice call “I've got good noose for you”.
Update: Activation of kicker plays bowling ball hitting pins sound effect to match animation.

Super Guillotine Mode

Original: Start of mode plays common voice call “Let's go chopping!”
Update: Start of mode plays unused voice call “How about a little game of chops and clobbers?”

Super Guillotine Mode

Original: When hitting drop target, game plays guillotine chop sound
Update: When hitting drop target, game plays guillotine chop sound and male “ugh!” that coincides with head chopping animation.

Thunderstorm Mode

Original: Start of mode has no voice call.
Update: Start of mode plays unused voice call “Ready!”

Crypt Multiball Ready

Original: Timing of voice call is bugged and says “Come on into the c-if you dare”.
Update: Timing of voice call is fixed and says “Come on into the crypt, if you dare.”

Crypt Multiball Restart

Original: When multiball ends without a jackpot acheived, game plays “What a revolting development” but this call gets cut short by the following voice call of “Come on into the crypt”.
Update: When multiball ends without a jackpot acheived, game plays “What a revolting development” in its entirety before playing “Come on into the crypt”.

Fast Goring

Original: Voice call of “Let’s go chopping” at start of Fast Goring often gets cut short.
Update: Voice call of “Let’s go chopping” at start of Fast Goring will not get cut short.

Start of game

Original: Crypt Keeper says one of five voice calls…

Welcome to mass two pieces theater
Tales from the Crypt
Tonight's terror tale confirms a man who has three balls
Time to assume the position, if you know what I mean
In tonight's tale... “bore meets gore”

Update: Crypt Keeper says one of eight voice calls…

Welcome to mass two pieces theater
Tales from the Crypt
Tonight's terror tale confirms a man who has three balls
Time to assume the position, if you know what I mean
In tonight's tale… “bore meets gore”
Bon appetit kiddies, if you know what I mean
In tonight's tale… “par for the corpse”
In tonight's tale... “time for a chopping spree”

Outlane Voice Calls

Original: Plays one of these voice calls...

Pleasant screams
Time to assume the position
How about a little no vault insurance
What a revolting development
Here today, leftovers tomorrow
The screamiums'll kill ya
Wanna join my fang club?
You must be choking

Update: Replaced voice calls used elsewhere with unused voice calls...

Time to assume the position
How about a little no vault insurance
How revolting!
Here today, leftovers tomorrow
The screamiums'll kill ya
You must be choking


Original: A failed match will always play voice call of "Holy deadlock!"

Update: A failed match will now play one of four voice calls. "Holy deadlock!", "What a revolting development!", "How revolting!", or "If at first you don't succeed, die, die again".

Game Over

Original: A bug prevented the voice call of "Til next time!" from ever playing.

Update: Fixed bug to properly play one of two voice calls. "Til next time!" or "See you next time fright fans!"


Fixed bug where the Launch lamp would remain lit if a locked mode is started.
Fixed bug where the Launch lamp would remain flashing if ball immediately drained and Freeze was activated right after Skill Shot.
Fixed bug where Left Ramp Entrance lamp would continue to flash when Multiball Restart Mode is activated.
Fixed bug where Lite Creature Feature lamps would be active during Skull Crackin’ mode.
Fixed bug where voice calls would often get cut short if player drained on the Left Outlane.
Fixed bug where player is not allowed to lock the Super Keeper Target mode.
Fixed bug where sometimes the Skill Shot would not register when ball hit the drop targets.
Fixed bug where Clone lamp would light solid for no reason after many Captive Ball shots.
Fixed bug where the final CRYPT lowering video when collecting “T” would not play.
Fixed bug where “Come on into the crypt” voice call would not always play when multiball has been qualified.
Fixed bug where "What a revolting development!" voice call would get cut short when Multiball Restart begins.
Fixed bug where voice call during Game Over animation would never play.
Fixed bug where Yo! Zombie Crypt Jam Is In The Vault video stops playing for a long time when Crypt Jam is ready.
Extended the intro to Crypt Jam to allow player to prepare.


Ramp behavior has been adjusted to simplify the rules and increase the Risk vs. Reward of attempting to get to the higher Fast Goring modes.

Left Ramp

Original: Game starts with 1 flashing.

1st shot - 1 solid (show bat animation 1)
2nd shot - 1 solid, 2 flashing
3rd shot - 1&2 solid (show bat animation 2)
4th shot - 1&2 solid, 3 flashing
5th shot - 1&2&3 solid (show bat animation 3)
6th shot - 1&2&3 solid, 4 flashing
7th shot - 1&2&3&4 solid (show bat animation 4)
8th shot - all off - will advance next mode on RIGHT RAMP
9th+ shot - repeat above

In between balls, LEFT RAMP does not reset, RIGHT RAMP does reset to 1 flashing.

Update: Game starts with no lamps.

1st shot - 1 solid (show bat animation 1)
2nd shot - 1&2 solid (show bat animation 2)
3rd shot - 1&2&3 solid (show bat animation 3)
4th shot - 1&2&3&4 solid (show bat animation 4)
5th shot - all lamps off - will advance next mode on RIGHT RAMP, display will show "SHOOT RIGHT RAMP TO START FAST GORING", and play sound call "Time for a chopping spree!"
6th+ shot - repeat above

In between balls, LEFT RAMP does not reset, RIGHT RAMP does reset to 1 flashing.

Right Ramp

Original: Starts with 1 flashing.

1st shot - 1 solid (Living Dead mode)
2nd shot - 1 solid, 2 flashing
3rd shot - 1&2 solid (Chainsaw mode)
4th shot - 1&2 solid, 3 flashing
5th shot - 1&2&3 solid (Grave Digger mode)
6th shot - 1&2&3 solid, 4 flashing
7th shot - 1&2&3&4 solid (Play The Organ mode)

Will erroneously reset back to Living Dead mode

In between balls, LEFT RAMP does not reset, RIGHT RAMP does reset to 1 flashing.

Update: Ball always starts with 1 flashing (Living Dead)

Every 5th Left Ramp shot will advance Right Ramp in this manner:
starts with 1 flashing (Living Dead mode)
5th Left Ramp - 1 solid, 2 flashing (Chainsaw mode)
10th Left Ramp - 1&2 solid, 3 flashing (Grave Digger mode)
15th Left Ramp - 1&2&3 solid, 4 flashing (Play The Organ mode)

Shot to right ramp will activate currently flashing Fast Goring mode (if available), play sound call "Let's go chopping!", and all RIGHT RAMP and LEFT RAMP lamps will reset to off. Will not erroneously reset back to Living Dead mode.

In between balls, LEFT RAMP does not reset, RIGHT RAMP does reset to 1 flashing.

Fast Goring Modes


Living Dead - for 15 seconds, all switches are worth 250,000
Chainsaw - for 15 seconds, all switches are worth 500,000
Grave Digger - for 15 seconds, all switches are worth 750,000
Play The Organ - for 15 seconds, all switches are worth 1,000,000


Living Dead - for 15 seconds, all switches are worth 250,000
Chainsaw - for 15 seconds, all switches are worth 500,000
Grave Digger - for 15 seconds, all switches are worth 1,000,000
Play The Organ - for 15 seconds, all switches are worth 2,000,000
Fear of the dark, fear of the dark, I have a constant feeling someone's always near...

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Re: Tales from The Crypt 4.0

Message par element85 » sam. 20 02, 2016 14:07


Je serais bien tenté de tester mais pas d eprom n'y de programmateur. :cry: :cry:

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Baron MARTo
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Re: Tales from The Crypt 4.0

Message par Baron MARTo » lun. 22 02, 2016 08:08

Ça a l'air bon tout ça. :x26:
Habitant de la planète Alpha-80 du Système 11
http://www.collectionneursdeflippers.com/baron marto

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Re: Tales from The Crypt 4.0

Message par jarod4as » jeu. 25 02, 2016 17:43


Je ne sais pas si je dois le poster ici mais n'étant absolument pas équipé ni matériellement , ni mentalement ^^ pour me faire ce travail ,

quelqu'un ici peut il le faire ?

si oui a quel prix Fd port in ? Rom + "flashage" donc ^^

Merci a vous


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Re: Tales from The Crypt 4.0

Message par domi854 » ven. 26 02, 2016 18:52

N y a t il pas un pro pour le faire et nous le vendre?

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Re: Tales from The Crypt 4.0

Message par Faboule » ven. 26 02, 2016 19:21

je peux en faire, il doit me rester quelques couples 27c512/27C040 (ou 27C40001)
Longue vie aux flips :-) :bd:

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Re: Tales from The Crypt 4.0

Message par Faboule » sam. 27 02, 2016 00:00

Je viens de faire la manip, j'ai patché les ROM et programmé la version 4.0 sur les eproms correspondants. Par contre je ne peux pas constater les bénéfices par moi même, je n'ai plus ce flip ::)):
Longue vie aux flips :-) :bd:

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Re: Tales from The Crypt 4.0

Message par julien42 » sam. 27 02, 2016 11:24

Mon TFTC au festiflip dernier était déjà équipé de cette maj 4.0, en + d'une pinsound.

Je vous confirme que c'est une amélioration des règles intéressante. Les comptages de points par mission, sont bien + équilibrés, et donc + intéressant. Certains sons sont changés, et surtout moins agaçant.
Bref une maj très très intéressante.

Si tu demandes directement à n’importe quel pro, ce devrait être facilement fait. Sinon par exemple Ecflipp peut te faire le gravage, c'est sûr.
J'ai : LAH, Guns n Roses, TFTC, TOMMY,WCS 94, NGG, STTNG, MetallicA LE, Big Deal (1977)

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Re: Tales from The Crypt 4.0

Message par Faboule » sam. 27 02, 2016 11:34

Je peux aussi vous les faire si besoin :-) par contre Julien une question, tu dis que les sons sont changés mais je pense que c'est plutôt leur fréquence d'apparition, leur durée ou le moment où ils sont déclenchés qui change car la ROM CPU ne fait que commander les actions, elle ne contient pas de nouveaux sons (qui sont stockés dans les ROM dédiées au son) et ces ROM son ne sont pas concernées par la mise à jour (patch 4.0) qui ne concerne que le couple DISPLAY/CPU.
Longue vie aux flips :-) :bd:

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Re: Tales from The Crypt 4.0

Message par julien42 » sam. 27 02, 2016 13:23

Oui, tu as raison. Pour etre + précis, en fait ce sont les appels aux sons qui sont bien changés. Tous les sons et voix présents dans les roms de la carte son, ne sont pas
forcément joués. C'est le cas de tous les flips.
Là le gros changement, c'est pour les entrées de rampes, le soft n'appelle plus les cris "soulants" a la longue, mais un coup de feu à la place je crois.
Il y a plusieurs voix qui sont appelées aléatoirement pour certaines phases.
De mémoire, le "who goes there", n'est plus appelé lors de chaque loop.
Et il y a aussi l'utilisation de nouveaux sons et voix. Par exemple un bruit de pendaison, quand on perd le vidéo mode
etc, etc.

Moi les sons a la limite je m'en foutais, vu que j'ai la pinsound dessus. Mais avec les règles équilibrées, cela améliore encore le jeu
J'ai : LAH, Guns n Roses, TFTC, TOMMY,WCS 94, NGG, STTNG, MetallicA LE, Big Deal (1977)
