James Bond LE/Prem(Stern)

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James Bond LE/Prem(Stern)

Message par legui » ven. 31 05, 2024 06:27

LE/PRE V1.02.0 - May 30, 2024

- Added 20 Insider Connected Achievements:

Double '0' Skill Shot - Make the Double '0' Skill Shot.
Commander Bond Skill Shot - Make the Commander Bond Skill Shot.
MXV Super Skill Shot - Make the MXV Super Skill Shot.
Complete Skills - Make 7 Unique Skill shots in a single game.
Chaos at Crab Key - Start Chaos at Crab Key.
Master of Chaos - Complete Chaos at Crab Key.
Goldfinger's Jackpot - Start Gold finger's Jackpot.
Goldfinger's Jackpot Complete - Complete Goldfinger's Jackpot.
Perfect Gold - Complete Goldfinger's Jackpot perfectly (making each set of colored shots in order).
Duel on the Disco Volante - Start Duel on the Disco Volante.
Death Disco - Complete Duel on the Disco Volante.
Spinners are Forever - Make 1007 spins in a single game.
Big Jetpack Points - Score at least 70,000,000 in Jetpack Multiball.
Goodbye Mr. Bond - Complete Ahoy Mr. Bond!
Thank Q - Use 7 Smart Missiles.
Chain Reaction - Knock down the drop targets in order from left to right.
Super Agent - Make all 20 Secret Agent Combos in a single game.
Her Majesty's Secret Service - Play Her Majesty's Secret Service.
Her Majesty's Super Jackpot - Get a Super Jackpot in MI6 Multiball.
Her Majesty's Multiple Jackpots - Get 2 Super Jackpots in MI6 Multiball.

- Added a new Swipe-A-Ball rule. This rule allows the player to "unlock" any
Bird 1 locked balls they have accumulated prior to starting Bird 1 Multiball.
Release the locked ball(s) by pressing the lockdown bar button
during a multiball event (the green button represents Swipe-A-Ball is available).
- Note: Progress towards starting Bird 1 Multiball increases in difficulty upon
each Swipe-A-Ball use.
- Added a Swipe-A-Ball rule adjustment. Default setting = "Any Locked Ball".
Settings are:
"Off" - The rule is disabled.
"Physically Locked Balls" - Only balls physically locked in the Rocket
by the player are added into play.
"Any Locked Balls" - Any balls locked (either in the Rocket or trough)
by the player are added into play.
"Physically Locked Balls + Stealing" - Only balls physically locked in the Rocket
by any player are added into play.
"Any Locked Balls + Stealing" - Any balls physically locked in the Rocket
by any player, or balls in the trough are added into play.
Note: A Ball Saver starts at the beginning of Swipe-A-Ball that will save any
earned locked balls, i.e. any stolen or unearned balls that are released/unlocked
are not saved upon draining.
- Added "Swipe-A-Ball" speech.
- Added logic to disallow "Swipe-A-Ball" if the SPECTRE "Add-A-Ball" Perk is available
and hasn't been used yet on that ball. Once the player uses the "Add-A-Ball" perk on
that ball, "Swipe-A-Ball" will be available the next time a player plays a multiball,
i.e. both "Add-A-Ball" and "Swipe-A-Ball" can't be used in the same multiball session.
- Added a "Danger Danger" Tilt warning display effect that is seen during the 2nd Tilt Warning.
- Now the Tilt Warning sound FX is louder.
- Changed the timing for both Tilt/Tilt Warning speech events.
- Now Extra Ball, when set to award points, will award 25M Points.
- Removed Extra Ball speech when awarding Extra Ball Points.
- Added an Extra Ball "Points" display effect which is displayed when no more Extra
Balls can be awarded.
- Added Extra Balls Earned to Instant Info.
- Now Outer Space Hijack Speech is killed if it is still playing during the Bonus
- Now the Skill Shot display effect appears before any Combo Display Effects.
- Changed the rules to allow the Bond Women Multiplier to be advanced when the 4 Movie
Wizard Modes are available to start at the right ramp.
- Now the MXV Skill shot contributes to the Insider Connected "7 Unique Skill Shots"
- Now the MXV Skill Shot awards 2 Smart Missiles.
- Added Background Spiral videos to the Attract Mode High Score display effects.
- Added logic so the Bond Women Multiplier Lit display effect featuring
"Pussy Galore" is seen/heard prior to starting a Q Branch mode.
- Now the Commander Skill Shot awards a Smart Missile.
- Now the Commander Skill Shot is only available via a short plunge. i.e. soft
plunge the ball into the right orbit lane and capture/flip the ball up the left
orbit. The Commander Skill Shot is not available when other Super Skill shots
are available/active.
- Fixed a bug where the Double "0" and "Under Cover" Skill Shots were not being
- Added logic for Villain, Henchmen, and Q Branch mode display effects to be presented as a
layered display effect during Skill Shot award display effect presentations.
- Now Villain, Henchmen, SPECTRE Weapons, Q Branch Gadgets, Bond Women, and
Movie progress is the first page of info shown during Instant Info.
- Now the Skill Shots are available upon locking a ball.
- Now the Skill Shots are available upon collecting all of the balls at the end of Wizard Modes,
i.e. DB5 Multiball, Hunted by Helicopter Multiball, Little Nellie Multiball, Power Pack
Multiball, "Bond..James Bond" Multiball, Chaos at Crab Key, and Goldfinger's Jackpot.
It is not available at the end of Duel on the Disco Volante.
- Added Villain, Henchmen, SPECTRE Weapons, Q Branch Gadgets, Bond Women, and
Movie progress to Instant Info.
- Refactored End-of-Ball Bonus logic to make it more efficient.
- Fixed a bug where, upon blowing off the End-of-Ball Bonus, the movie icons
were not being displayed.
- Fixed a bug where the "Great Diving 007!" Insider Connected Achievement was not being
awarded properly.
- Added new End-of-Ball Bonus artwork icons and associated logic.
- Now, completing a Villain, Henchmen, SPECTRE Weapon, or Q Branch Gadget mode adds
7M to Bonus.
- Now an Extra ball is awarded upon collecting a "Bond..James Bond" Super Jackpot.
- Removed the lighting of an extra ball. Now Extra Ball is Lit by playing any combination
of 3, 6, 12, or 18 Villain, Henchmen, SPECTRE Weapon, or Q-Branch modes.
- Added an adjustment that allows the Pop Bumper Power to be changed. Default
setting = 16ms.
- Added an adjustment to allow Attract Mode tutorial videos to be played.
Default setting = YES.
- Fixed a bug where the game would serve the wrong number of balls into play
when you started "007 Scoring" while balls were being "ball saved" and transitioning
from the trough to the shooter lane.
- Fixed a problem where the Jetpack Motor Tests were being disallowed from running if
the tests were performed during a game.
- Fixed a problem where, upon restarting a game with the ball loaded at the Jetpack load
position, the Jetpack would block the ball from returning to the trough.
- Fixed a problem where, if the player used a Smart Missile to award a Center Lane
Jackpot at the start of Jetpack Multiball while the Jetpack had not moved away from
the "ball loading" position, the Jetpack would remain at the ball loading position and
block any balls shot up the back ramp.
- Now 7 bonus flips are added to "Her Majesty's Secret Service" for each Villain, Henchmen,
SPECTRE Weapon, and Q Branch mode COMPLETED prior to starting HMSS.

- System Version 3.68
- Conagent v1.0.15
- Various behind-the-scenes improvements for correctness and performance.

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Re: James Bond LE/Prem(Stern)

Message par Thot » ven. 31 05, 2024 10:49

belle mise a jour, mais qui ne sauvera pas le jeu je pense :/

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Re: James Bond LE/Prem(Stern)

Message par RipleYYY » sam. 01 06, 2024 08:52

Thot a écrit :
ven. 31 05, 2024 10:49
belle mise a jour, mais qui ne sauvera pas le jeu je pense :/
ha bon !?

en théorie c'est le suivant qui débarque ici, donc retour plus poussé/complet à prévoir

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Re: James Bond LE/Prem(Stern)

Message par Thot » mar. 04 06, 2024 09:32

disons que c'est moche, lent, sons/musiques médiocres hormis un passage du thème par Moby de goldeneye qui donne un coup de peps :/

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Re: James Bond LE/Prem(Stern)

Message par RipleYYY » mar. 04 06, 2024 10:02

Thot a écrit :
mar. 04 06, 2024 09:32
disons que c'est moche, lent, sons/musiques médiocres hormis un passage du thème par Moby de goldeneye qui donne un coup de peps :/
je l'avais joué en exploitation quand il était sorti, effectivement, d'une manière générale il ne m'avait pas semblé "difficile", j'avais été au bout du béta code rapidemment (y'avait justement pas grand chose hein)... mais est ce pour ça que c'est mauvais ? tu me diras que ça dépend de ce que l'on recherche, pour ma part c'est avant tout un bon code (qui donne un bon jeu), et là maintenant ça semble être le cas

bref :x26:

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Re: James Bond LE/Prem(Stern)

Message par Thot » mar. 04 06, 2024 10:29

oui, alors niveau jeu/code c'est sympa, mais très répétitif

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Re: James Bond LE/Prem(Stern)

Message par legui » mer. 05 06, 2024 12:12

C'est marrant, Le thème de moby, c'est un des rares éléments du jeu que je déteste. Jeu que j'adore au passage. Comme quoi, les goûts et les couleurs...

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Re: James Bond LE/Prem(Stern)

Message par Thot » jeu. 06 06, 2024 10:43

heureusement que tout le monde n'aime pas la même chose, ca serait triste

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Re: James Bond LE/Prem(Stern)

Message par RipleYYY » ven. 19 07, 2024 16:02

Thot a écrit :
mar. 04 06, 2024 09:32
disons que c'est moche, lent, sons/musiques médiocres hormis un passage du thème par Moby de goldeneye qui donne un coup de peps :/
je reviens déjà sur le lent, car ici ça fuse à 1000 km/h (comme chaque fois que Stef P. m'amène un flip, nettoyé, plateau lustré/ciré)
il faut souvent 1 semaine pour que ça se "normalise", ce y compris les rebonds et effets bizarres...

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Dept: 10
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Messages : 558
Enregistré le : 11/09/2014
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Localisation : troyes

Re: James Bond LE/Prem(Stern)

Message par Thot » lun. 22 07, 2024 06:53

RipleYYY a écrit :
ven. 19 07, 2024 16:02
Thot a écrit :
mar. 04 06, 2024 09:32
disons que c'est moche, lent, sons/musiques médiocres hormis un passage du thème par Moby de goldeneye qui donne un coup de peps :/
je reviens déjà sur le lent, car ici ça fuse à 1000 km/h (comme chaque fois que Stef P. m'amène un flip, nettoyé, plateau lustré/ciré)
il faut souvent 1 semaine pour que ça se "normalise", ce y compris les rebonds et effets bizarres...
je parle des séquences de bille arrêté, les vidéos sont trop longues par exemple
