STERN : Gardien de la galaxy !

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Re: STERN : Gardien de la galaxy !

Message par RipleYYY » sam. 04 11, 2023 23:05

ça devrait te suffire comme réponse :

PRO V1.12.0 - April 17, 2023

- Updated to nodeboard firmware/protocol v1.5.0
- Conagent 1.0.9
- Update selectable upper bound for Grand Champion, and HSTD 1-4 Awards. GC may be set up
to 5, HSTD #1 to 4, HSTD #2 to 3, HSTD #3 to 2, and HSTD #4 to 1. The default value for these has
not changed, just the ability to select a higher value.
- Adjust timing to address phantom broken trough sw tech alerts.
- Added game version number to lower left of attract mode Insider Connected screens.
- Updated Service Menu landing screen to graphics.
- Added Connectivity Icon (Ethernet or WiFi Signal Bars) to attract mode
Insider Connected screens. The Icon will be displayed in the upper
right corner with the number of credits/free play.
- Blink selected icon in Service Menu Dot Matrix menus
- Updated "Target Game Time" to guarantee the entire time for a single ball game.

PRO V1.11 - September 8, 2022

- Updated to System V3.22.0 and SPIKE OS V2.7.0
- Corrected potential game reset issue.
- When entering a WiFi password, the previous characters will be displayed as an asterisk.
The WiFi password will be displayed as all asterisk when entering the setup screens or
scanning the WiFi setup QR code.
- Added Service Menu Tech Alert when weak signal strength is detected. The signal strength
and SSID will be displayed. An average signal strength < 40 is considered weak. A weak
WiFi signal may contribute to a slower or inconsistent connection which may effect the abilty
to login or download software updates. Signal strength can be improved by the use of an
inexpensive WiFi extender. A wired Ethernet connection can also be used in cases where WiFi
signals are problematic.
- Added Standard Adjustment "ENABLE HOME TEAM IN COINPLAY", default value of NO.
Setting this to YES will allow Insider Home Team to be available for machines not
set to Free Play. Normally "USE INSIDER HOME TEAM" is only available in Free Play
mode. Many home players, who choose to use their game in Coin Play, have requested
the ability to enjoy Home Team! Setting this this adjustment to YES will default the Home
Team Guest Retention to Never. If you wish a different setting you will have update that
adjustment after enabling Home Team in CoinPlay. Home Team is not available for machines
registered to a Pro account operating in a commercial environment.
- Added Standard Adjustment "REMOVE FRACTIONAL CREDITS". Values are:
"NEVER" and "AFTER X MINUTES IDLE", where X is between 30 and 240.
The default value is "NEVER". If the game is idle (no coin or flipper
switch activity in attract mode) for X minutes, any fractional credits will
be removed. Whole credits will NOT be removed.
- Added Standard Audit "FRACTIONAL CREDITS REMOVED", which will track the number of
fractional credits that have been removed when the game was idle.
- Changed the default value for Insider Connected Software Update to "Install updates automatically".

PRO V1.10 - July 29, 2022

Home Team
The Home Team features allows Insider Connected players to log in
and play without scanning their QR code.
When the game is registered to a home location and set to Free Play,
Home Team can be enabled via Standard Adjust #51 or from Guided Setup.
Up to 8 players can be added to the Home Team from the Stern Insider
Connected Setup menu.
The Home Team can be shared across all games registered at the game's
location by enabling the Home Team Standard Adjustment on each game.
Players need only be added once to the Home Team. Players can be
later removed from the Home Team, and guests can be temporarily
added to the Home Team.
Find out more about Home Team at
- Updated to nodeboard firmware/protocol v1.00.0
- Correct the replay score boost when Standard Adjustment REPLAY TYPE is set to DYNAMIC.
All REPLAY LEVELS for all players are potentially immediately incremented instead of only replay level 1.
- Correct Standard Adjustment FREE PLAY LIMIT. Previously this adjustment would not be honored
in all circumstances. FREE PLAY LIMIT sets the maximum number of free games which a
player can win during a game. Once the FREE PLAY LIMIT is reached, a player will not receive
a free game from:
a REPLAY level (if REPLAY AWARD is set to CREDIT)
Grand Champion/High Score (if HIGH SCORE AWARD is set to CREDIT
a match (if MATCH AWARD is set to CREDIT)
- The default setting for FREE PLAY LIMIT is 5 games (per player per game played).
NOTE setting the FREE PLAY LIMIT to a value less than the number of REPLAY LEVELS
will decrease the number of REPLAY levels available.
- Fixed redundant sound effects when scanning into Insider Connected in some
- Added Standard Audit "Total Power On Time". This is a lifetime audit of the
hours, minutes, seconds the machine has been powered on. This lifetime audit
will start accumulating with this update.
- Added the ability to unregister a machine via the Stern Insider Connected menu.
A machine must be unregistered from an Insider Connected account prior to being
added to a new account. Highlighting and selecting "Yes, unregister this game."
will unregister the game from your account.
- Stern Insider Connect Setup Screens:
IP, network name, and Wi-Fi signal strength displayed in top corners of display.
- Added Net->About->Events page
This page will display:
The current date and time
The date and time the game was recently powered on
The play count since powered on
The coin count since powered on
The paid credit count since powered on
The service credit count since powered on
The coin door open count since powered on
The tilt count since powered on
The date and time the game was previous powered on
The date and time the game was previous powered off
The lifetime power on count
- Update the factory default value of "ALLOW LEFT+START TO END GAME" to "FREE PLAY ONLY".
- Update Install Competition: set "ALLOW LEFT+START TO END GAME" to "NEVER".
- Added new Standard Adjustment "COIN ACCEPTOR" whose value can be "MECHANICAL" or "ELECTRONIC", and
default value is "MECHANICAL". This adjustment is only available when the Country is set to Italy
and Free Play is set to No.
The coin door for Italy with a MECHANICAL acceptor is configured:
left coin switch: EUR 0.50
center coin switch: EUR 0.10
right coin switch: EUR 0.50
4th coin switch: EUR 0.10
5th coin switch: EUR 0
6th coin switch: EUR 0
The coin door for Italy with a Electronic acceptor is configured:
left coin switch: EUR 0.50
center coin switch: EUR 1.00
right coin switch: EUR 2.00
4th coin switch: EUR 0.20
5th coin switch: EUR 0
6th coin switch: EUR 0
- Guided Setup
Added "Coin Acceptor" setting, only available when Country is set to Italy and "Free Play" is No.
Hide "Game Pricing" when "Free Play" is set to Yes.
Add translation strings for some top level selections.
- Fixed game reboot issue at power on with coin door interlock switch in the open position.
- Insider Connected attract mode screen updated to display the location name and green check mark with
Verified Location if the machine is registered to a pro account.
- Added a "DJ Mixer" music player to the game play mode menu that appears in
the attract mode.
- To start, hold in both flipper buttons. When the GAME PLAY MODE MENU appears
use the flipper buttons to navigate the DJ MIXER player, use the
START BUTTON to enter your selection.
- Use buttons to control the player
- LEFT BUTTON will restart the current tune. It will go to the previous
song if pressed near the start of a song.
- RIGHT BUTTON will move to the next song.
- The START BUTTON will exit the DJ MIXER.
- Both flipper buttons will Pause or un-pause the mode. After some time,
while paused, the DJ MIXER will automatically end.
- There are three new adjustments in the STANDARD ADJUSTMENTS for this:
- NO - Do not include in the GAME PLAY MENU
- YES - Include in the GAME PLAY MENU
- ORDERED PLAYBACK - play songs in order
- SHUFFLE PLAYBACK - play songs in a random order
- NO - Return to the attract mode when the playlist ends.
- YES - Restart the playlist when it ends.
- The game must be in FREE PLAY to use the DJ MIXER
- Removed left flipper competition mode select (superseded by both flippers for game mode menu)
and replaced default game mode menu with a game specific menu.
- Added adjustments to change the strength of the flippers.
- Fixed a bug where the number of credits were not being updated/displayed immediately in the attract mode.
- Changed the debounce timing on coin switches.

PRO V1.09 - December 15, 2021

- The game can have a connectivity kit installed and be connected to
- Once connected you can log in and start earning Achievements.
- To login in hold your QR code over the scanner. When you see you are
logged in just push start. By default, the game will automatically start
the game for everyone that is logged in with one button press.
- Before you press start, while the login screen is up, the current player
can use the flipper buttons to move which player position that will be.
- After the game, by default, players will have a few seconds to press
start and all stay logged in. The game will start all games with one
press of the start button.
- Added Achievements -
- There are 70 achievements you can earn if you are logged in.
- Achievements will pop up after you have received them as soon as they
can. Also, they are seen at the start of end of ball bonus if you
received any that ball.
- You can see all the achievements and how they are earned in instant
info or on the web site
- Your username will displace PLAYER # in the main score frame.
- If you are logged in your high score entry will default to your initials.
You will still be able to change them.

- Fixed a bug where the game didn't award a Super Skill Shot upon hitting the
Orb Target.
- Fixed a bug where the Game Over music didn't start at the end of game play.
- Now the balls are released immediately out of Groot's mouth at game over
when the match adjustment is set to OFF.
- Fixed a problem in Quills Quest 2 where the Quills Bounty/Treasure Connectivity
Awards were not being chalked correctly.
- Now the Groot Multiball Super Jackpot awards 6,250,000 points.
- Added credits/pricing to all attract mode display screens.
- Changed the size/position of player scores that are shown at the bottom of
the display during game play.
- Added a PowerUp/Boot screen Display Effect.

- Updated to nodeboard firmware/protocol v0.81.0
- Added Standard Adjustment "LCD DISPLAY BRIGHTNESS" to allow dimming of LCD display.
- Added adjustments for Login and Play Again display timers:
"INSIDER LOGIN TIMER" - Login screen timeout (Default 30 seconds)
"INSIDER PLAY AGAIN TIMER" - Play Again screen timeout (Default 20 seconds)
- GAME RESTART behavior:
Holding the start button on ball 2 or greater will follow
the "START BUTTON BEHAVIOR" adjustment.
holding the start button on ball 2 or greater will restart the game for as many
players as is necessary to accommodate the users that are logged in.
If there are not enough credits to restart the game for the necessary number
of players, the game will not be restarted.
- Address Insider Connected game registration corner cases.
- Upon entering the Service Menu for the first time after a software update, a screen
will display the game and system version numbers. This screen will be displayed
for a minimum of 1 second, and is dismissed by the enter button. This replaces
the dots display previous shown at power on after an update.
- LOGIN behavior:
* When a user logs in during a game in progress and the player up slot
is occupied, assign the user in the first open slot from lowest
player to the highest player.
* When a user joins a game in progress, award achievements that were
earned up to that point.
* When user authorization failure, remove the user from the session.
- Added audits for connectivity games and scanner use
"CONNECTIVITY USERS SCANNED" - display the number successful user QR code scans
"CONNECTIVITY USERS JOINED" - display the number of users that joined a connected game.
"1 INSIDER GAMES" - display the number of games played with 1 logged-in users
"2 INSIDER GAMES" - display the number of games played with 2 logged-in users
"3 INSIDER GAMES" - display the number of games played with 3 logged-in users
"4 INSIDER GAMES" - display the number of games played with 4 logged-in users
"ACHIEVEMENTS GIVEN" - display the number of achievements awarded
- Connectivity support for Spike 2 games.
"SINGLE CREDIT" - One start button press will start a one player game.
"ALL LOGGED IN" - One start button press will start games for enough players
to accommodate all logged-in users (Default).

PRO V1.08 - July 27, 2021

* NOTE: The current production of Guardians of the Galaxy (GOTG) uses core nodes
(address 8 and 9) with a new electronics component. These core nodes require
firmware version 0.51.0 or later. The GOTG software has been updated to V1.08
with this support. The previous version V1.07 (from 6/28/19) does NOT support
the new node board. If someone DOWNGRADES their new game from 1.08 to 1.07
these newer node boards will no longer work.

- Corrected the text for the "Sixth" coin slot.

- Updated to nodeboard firmware v0.74.0
- Added Standard Audit "Total Power Ons" which will display the number of
time the machine has been power cycled (Spike2 only). This audit was added in
system 2.45 and is not included for display.
- Turn on cabinet lights, if installed, when in the Service Menu.
- Update HSTD RESET COUNT adjustment to increment/decrement by 100s when >= 100 and
by 10s when < 100.
- When starting a game ramp the backbox GI from "ATTRACT MODE B.BOX BRIGHTNESS" to
- When ending a game ramp the backbox GI from "GAME PLAY B.BOX BRIGHTNESS" to
- New Standard Adjustment "START BUTTON ATTRACT MODE ILLUM."
This adjustment, which is only available and active when the game is in FREE PLAY mode, controls
the behavior of the Start Button Light.
Values are:
"ALWAYS OFF" - Start Button Light is always off when in attract mode.
"BLINKING" - Start Button Light will blink when in attract mode. This is the DEFAULT and previous behavior.
"ALWAYS ON" - Start Button Light is always on when in attract mode.
- Update TARGET_GAME_TIME adjustment to ensure a minimal ballsaver even after
the target game time is met.
- Do not display LOCATING NODE BOARD at boot when coin door interlock switch
has disabled node board power.
- Improve backbox and cabinet audio synchronization.
- Update the HSTD reset counter when the Standard Adjustment is changed.
- Added TARGET_GAME_TIME adjustment, accessible when the BALL_SAVE_TIME
adjustment is enabled.
TARGET_GAME_TIME enables a multi-use ball saver, whose duration is
dynamically calculated for each ball to help ensure the player has
a guaranteed amount of play time per game.
TARGET_GAME_TIME has a range of 1m 30s to 3m 00s and defaults to
NO_TARGET_TIME (disabled).
When disabled a traditional single-use BALL_SAVE_TIME ball saver will be
used for each ball in play.
When enabled the first ball of play will have a multi-use ball saver of
BALL_SAVE_TIME sec. The second ball will have a multi-use ball saver
which is 25% of (TARGET_GAME_TIME - player_game_time).
The third and beyond will have a multi-use ball saver which is 50% of
(TARGET_GAME_TIME - player_game_time).
- Updated 10 band graphic EQ to have 15 slider settings (was 120) above/below the
neutral center line.
- Rename Util->Volume->Speaker Balance to Speaker Fade. This adjusts the volume
levels of the cabinet (front) and backbox (back) speakers. The term Balance
was misleading and implied adjusting the level of the left and right backbox speakers.
- Added UTIL->VOL Adjustment "SELECT AUDIO FILTER". Values are:
"NONE", "HIGH/LOW SHELF", and "10 BAND EQ". Default value is "HIGH/LOW SHELF".
"NONE": No filtering will be performed on the audio output. Useful when using
the Line Out as input for an external device.
"HIGH/LOW SHELF": A High/Low Shelf Filter is applied to the audio output.
The Bass Frequency can be set to: 125Hz, 250Hz, or Disabled.
The Treble Frequency can be set to: 4KHz, 8KHz, or Disabled.
The Gain can be set to -12dB .. +12dB
On Spike 2 the Shelf Frequency and Gain can be set independently for the BackBox and Cabinet speakers.
"10 BAND EQ": A full 10 Band EQ is applied to the audio output.
Sliders are used to adjust the Gain of a specific range of frequencies.
The Frequencies are: 31Hz, 62Hz, 125Hz, 250Hz, 500Hz, 1KHz, 2KHz, 4KHz, 8KHz, 16KHz.
The Gain curve has a 60dB dynamic range across the -120 .. +120 Slider settings.
On Spike2 the Gain can be set independently for the BackBox and Cabinet speakers.
- Allow the knocker sound effect to play completely when a replay is
awarded during the last ball bonus and ensure the normal game
volume is restored.
- Added Standard Adjustment "MAX PLAYERS PER GAME". Values are 1 to 4,
with a default setting of 4. This can be used to limit the number
of players that can be added to a game.
- Using LEFT+START to end a game during bonus count could leave game graphics
on screen while in attract mode. This has been corrected.

PRO V1.07 - June 28, 2019

- Added attract mode tutorial videos for inserting coins, pressing
start button, using ball plunger, and flipper buttons.
- Optimized the amount of game data being saved to the SD card.

- Updated to nodeboard firmware v0.49.0
- Added Service Menu selection UTIL->ENDGAME. This selection is only available
when there is an active game. When selected the operator will be prompted
to confirm that they wish to end the current game. Once confirmed and upon
exiting the Service Menu, the game will be in attract mode.
- Added Standard Adjustment "ALLOW LEFT+START TO END GAME". Values are:
"NEVER", "FREE PLAY ONLY", and "ALWAYS". Default value is "NEVER".
During an active game, if the LEFT FLIPPER+START BUTTONs are held for
two seconds, the game will be ended.
- Added Standard Audit "TOTAL PLAYS ENDED", which will track the number of times
a game is ended via the Service Menu or FLIPPER+START BUTTONs.
- Added Standard Adjustment "CREDIT FORMAT". Values are:
For a USA coin door when inserting three quarters:
"REDUCED FRACTION" would display "1/4", "1/2", "3/4"
"ACTUAL FRACTION" would display "1/4", "2/4", "3/4"
- Update Italian translation of "ENTER INITIALS" to "INSERISCI LE TUE INIZIALI"
- Coin door interlock switch support for Spike2.
- Updated instructions for RESTORE SETTINGS.
- Reordered items in UTIL->VOL, moved CABINET SPEAKER TYPE to be after
- Added UTIL->RESET->VOL which will reset all audio settings to their
default values.
- Append (MAX) to the credit message if the number of credits equals
the CREDIT LIMIT adjustment.
- Correct Euro Coin Door/Electronic Coin Mech configuration.
Standard Euro Coin Door now configured as:
"10 units per pulse, Left 5, Center 10, Right 20, 4th 2, 5th 0, 6th 0"
Italian Euro Coin Door now configured as:
"10 units per pulse, Left 5, Center 1, Right 5, 4th 1, 5th 0, 6th 0"
- Updated Custom Pricing Editor to display Pricing Format description in the
title area when it is being edited.
- Added Standard Adjustment #57 "PRICING FORMAT". Values are:
"MINIMAL" will replace consecutive identical coin/credit increments with "..".
"MONETARY SYMBOL" will add the leading or trail monetary symbol appropriate
for the currency is use. For CUSTOM PRICING this can be TOKEN, COIN, SWIPE,
or TAP.
- USA 13 (as opposed to the current active GAME PRICING) is used to demonstrate
the effects of the different options in the Service Menu as there is a
difference between STANDARD and MINIMAL formatting. (and there may not be in the current
active pricing).
STANDARD - USA 13 would be formatted as: 1/1.00 2/2.00 3/3.00 4/4.00 7/5.00
- USA 7 would be formatted as: 1/0.50 2/1.00 4/1.50 6/2.00

MINIMAL - USA 13 would be formatted as: 1/1.00 .. 7/5.00
- USA 7 would be formatted as: 1/0.50 .. 4/1.50 6/2.00

STD W/ MONETARY SYMBOL- USA 13 would be formatted as: 1/$1.00 2/$2.00 3/$3.00 4/$4.00 7/$5.00
- USA 7 would be formatted as: 1/$0.50 2/$1.00 4/$1.50 6/$2.00

MIN W/ MONETARY SYMBOL- USA 13 would be formatted as: 1/$1.00 .. 7/$5.00
- USA 7 would be formatted as: 1/$0.50 .. 4/$1.50 6/$2.00

- Updated Custom Pricing Editor to display using Pricing Format. Use <BACK and NEXT>
to select the pricing and EDIT to change the Pricing Format. The
Pricing Format adjustment will also be updated upon EXIT.

- Updated Tech Alert switch numbering to be consistent with the game manuals.
- Updated Custom Pricing Editor - Uses button navigation to select and edit
fields. Use <BACK and NEXT> to select the "CREDIT" or "AT:" field and
EDIT to change their value. RESET has the options of setting the
custom price to the FACTORY default or CURRENT pricing as a starting
point for creating the custom price. RESET can also CLEAR the custom price
to create one from scratch. Use EXIT to save and install the custom
price. Added support to specify money format descriptions for: country
monetary symbol ("$", "EUR", etc), "TOKEN", "COIN", and "SWIPE".
- Updated Custom Coin Door Editor - RESET has the options of setting the
custom coin door to the FACTORY default or CURRENT settings as a starting
point for creating the custom coin door. RESET can also CLEAR the custom
coin door to create one from scratch. Added error message when attempting
to EXIT when the custom coin door is not valid (UNITS PER PULSE is zero or
all coin switches have zero PULSES set).
- Updated Pricing Table:
Updated Euro Coin Door from:
"10 units per pulse, Left 5, Center 10, Right 20, 4th 2, 5th 0, 6th 0"
"10 units per pulse, Left 5, Center 10, Right 5, 4th 0, 5th 0, 6th 0"
Updated Australia 5 from "1/$2.00, 2/$5.00, 5/$10.00 AU" to "1/$2.00 AU, 2/$3.00 AU"
Removed Australia 7 "1/$2.00, 3/$4.00, 4/$5.00 AU"
Removed Italy 1 "1/EUR 0.50"
Removed Italy 2 "1/EUR 1.00, 3/EUR 2.00"
Added New Zealand 3 "1/$2 NZ, 2/$3 NZ"
Updated Switzerland 2 from "1/1 SwF, 3/2 SwF, 5/3 SwF, 7/4 SwF, 9/5 SwF" to "1/2 SwF, 2/4 SwF, 3/5 SwF"
Removed Switzerland 3 "1/2 SwF, 3/5 SwF"
Updated UK 1 from "3/1.00 GBP, 7/2.00 GBP" to "1/2.00 GBP"
Updated UK 2 from "4/1.00 GBP" to "1/1.00 GBP"
Removed UK 6 "3/2.00 GBP"
Removed Portugal "1/EUR 0.50"
Removed Germany 1 "1/EUR 0.50"
Removed Germany 2 "1/EUR 0.50, 2/EUR 1.00, 3/EUR 1.50, 5/EUR 2.00"
Removed Germany 3 "1/EUR 0.50, 2/EUR 1.00, 3/EUR 1.50, 6/EUR 2.00"
Removed Euro 4 "1/EUR 0.50, 2/EUR 1.00, 3/EUR 1.50, 6/EUR 2.00"
Removed Euro 5 "1/EUR 0.50, 3/EUR 1.00, 4/EUR 1.50, 7/EUR 2.00"
Removed Euro 6 "2/EUR 0.50"
Renamed Euro 7 to Euro 4 "1/EUR 1.00, 2/EUR 2.00, 3/EUR 3.00, 5/EUR 4.00"
Renamed Euro 8 to Euro 5 "1/EUR 1.00, 3/EUR 2.00"
Renamed Euro 9 to Euro 6 "1/EUR 1.00, 2/EUR 1.50, 3/EUR 2.00"
Renamed Euro 10 to Euro 7 "1/EUR 1.00, 3/EUR 2.00, 7/EUR 3.00"
Renamed Euro 11 to Euro 8 "1/EUR 1.00, 4/EUR 2.00"
Renamed Euro 12 to Euro 9 "2/EUR 1.00, 4/EUR 2.00, 6/EUR 3.00, 9/EUR 4.00"
Removed USA 4 "1/$0.50" "25 units per pulse, Left 1, Center 1, Right 1, 4th 1, 5th 0, 6th 0"
Removed USA 6 "1/$0.50" "25 units per pulse, Left 1, Center 6, Right 1, 4th 1, 5th 0, 6th 0"
NOTE: USA 3 "1/$0.50" "25 units per pulse, Left 1, Center 4, Right 1, 4th 1, 5th 0, 6th 0" remains unchanged
Updated Austria default pricing to Euro 5
Updated Belgium default pricing to Euro 5
Updated Finland default pricing to Euro 5
Updated France default pricing to Euro 7
Updated Germany default pricing to Euro 2 and Euro Coin Door
Updated Greece default pricing to Euro 5
Updated Italy default pricing to Euro 5 and Euro Coin Door
Updated Netherlands default pricing to Euro 5
Updated Portugal default pricing to Euro 1 and Euro Coin Door
Updated Spain default pricing to Euro 5
Updated Switzerland default pricing to Switzerland 1
- Added UTIL->SAVE and UTIL->LOAD which save and restore all game settings to/from a USB thumb drive.
When restoring the settings to the SAME MACHINE, you can choose to restore:
When using the saved settings with another machine of the SAME TITLE and MODEL (for example
settings file created on a Guardians Pro and restoring to a different Guardians Pro)
you can choose to restore:
When using the saved settings with another machine of a DIFFERENT TITLE or MODEL (for example
settings file created on a Guardians Pro and restoring to a Aerosmith Pro)
you can only choose to restore: "RESTORE ONLY STD ADJUSTMENTS".
"RESTORE ALL ADJUSTMENTS" will restore the Standard Adjustments listed below and
all Feature Adjustments.
"RESTORE ONLY STD ADJUSTMENTS" will restore the following Standard Adjustments:
Custom Message
Custom Pricing
Custom Coin Door
- Games will now persist ALL SETTINGS after a software update. This functionality will be available
in the game release AFTER the release which uses system 2.24.
- Correct the delay between multiple Q24 knocker requests. Previously the
knocks would happen too rapidly and sound like a single loud knock. Now
there will be a 3/4 second delay between knocks. If the sound effect
knocker is also enabled, it will be synchronized with the Q24 knocker.
- Updated COIN DOOR EDITOR to display the selected settings and whether they
are the FACTORY default or CUSTOM configuration.
- Added Custom Coin Door Editor.
You can specify the UNITS PER PULSE for the base coin and the number of PULSES
generated by each coin switch (left, center, right, 4th, 5th, 6th). The
UNITS have a range of 1 to 10000 and PULSES have a range of 0 to 100. For
example the USA coin door has a UNIT of 25 and the left and right slots
generate 1 PULSE and the center slot (the DBV) generates four PULSES. The
coin mechanisms accept quarters and the DBV dollars. Therefore, the UNIT is
25 (for 25 cents) and the left and right generate 1 PULSE for a single quarter
and the center slot generates 4 PULSES for a dollar bill being four quarters.
If Standard Adjustment "Game Pricing" is changed to a selection with different
UNITS PER PULSE than the active CUSTOM coin door, the custom coin door will
be reset to the factory default for that Game Pricing selection.
- Added system adjustment for Spike 2 games when a headphone kit is installed:
"MUTE KNOCKER IF HP DETECTED" - will not play replay knocker sound when
headphones are in use. Default value is NO (not muted).
"DISABLE Q24 KNOCK IF HP DETECTED" - will not fire Q24 knocker coil when
headphones are in use. Default value is NO (not disabled).
- DIAG->NODE->BRD->Overcurrent Test now displays Drive/Coil and Light/LED
description instead of device address.
- Added new standard adjustment PLAY ATTRACT TUTORIAL VIDEOS
which is default to YES.

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Dept: 81
Rech/Achete: 0 flip
Messages : 340
Enregistré le : 03/02/2015
Pas vu depuis 9 mois
Niveau : Initié
Pro / revendeur : non
Localisation : albi

Re: STERN : Gardien de la galaxy !

Message par thebbx » sam. 04 11, 2023 23:33

merci pour cette réponse , effectivement avant de faire la maj j'ai lu ce read me, et n'ayant pas ce mode wifi je me demande a quoi cela sert..., et je n'ai pas remarqué de changement significatif dans le gameplay, enfin je n'ai fais que 4 partis avec la maj avec que 4 missions et les 2 multi orb et groot, juste si qqun avait remarqué des changements significatifs...
:twisted: !!! Choose and perish !!! :twisted: :pop:

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Dept: 64
Collec Perso: 11 flips
Rech/Achete: 0 flip
aimable donateur accepte les visites de sa Gameroom
Messages : 1169
Enregistré le : 25/06/2018
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Re: STERN : Gardien de la galaxy !

Message par Superpeach » lun. 06 11, 2023 14:46

Salut !
Pour celui qui n'utilise pas l'insider, je ne vois pas de différence notable entre la 1.09 et la 1.11, non ?
Je cherche la GlopAttitude !!

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Re: STERN : Gardien de la galaxy !

Message par thebbx » mar. 07 11, 2023 10:47

pour moi tjrs pas vu de différence, et l'insider je suppose que c'est la connection wifi, je n'ai pas pris encore le temps de m'intérresser au sujet, a quoi sert cette connection?
:twisted: !!! Choose and perish !!! :twisted: :pop:

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Re: STERN : Gardien de la galaxy !

Message par RipleYYY » mar. 07 11, 2023 10:59

je ne vous comprends pas les gars...

rien que le "Corrected potential game reset issue", et dans une moindre mesure la mise à jour OS du système SPIKE et des NODEBOARDS

mais bref :u~:

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Re: STERN : Gardien de la galaxy !

Message par thebbx » mer. 08 11, 2023 03:01

et bien en ce qui me concerne je ne sais pas ce que c'est , dsl cela fait un moment que j'ai décroché que ce plaisir du flip et je mis remets ...
merci quand même :bd:
:twisted: !!! Choose and perish !!! :twisted: :pop:

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Re: STERN : Gardien de la galaxy !

Message par RipleYYY » mer. 08 11, 2023 16:13

de rien ;)
mais en théorie, il faut de toute façon faire toutes les mises à jour, à fortiori quand toutes les modifs ne sont pas toujours listées dans le fichier info
la seule sécurité c'est parfois attendre quand une mise à jour vient de sortir, et voir si elle ne crée pas de nouveau bug (généralement, avec internet, ça se sait dans les jours qui suivent)...

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Re: STERN : Gardien de la galaxy !

Message par thebbx » mer. 08 11, 2023 19:42

j'ai fait la maj direct de 1,06 a 1,12 et cela fonctionne correctement , juste que je n'ai pas vu de changement dans le gameplay , et je ne sais tjrs pas a quoi sert de passer en wifi le flip...
surtout que je ne suis pas spécialement pote avec l'anglais :)) , et les traducteurs n'aide pas trop pour ce genre de consigne surtout quand l'on se remet dedans :))
:twisted: !!! Choose and perish !!! :twisted: :pop:

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Re: STERN : Gardien de la galaxy !

Message par raphfoot » jeu. 21 12, 2023 22:15

Bonjour à tous, j'espère que cette fin d'année se passe bien pour tous le monde :wink:

Petite question sur mon guardians j'ai l'impression que sur la première partie que je fais avec le flip, l'aimant du magna force aimante bien les billes, ça les fais tournoyer, par contre au bout de quelques parties mais pas beaucoup, l'aimant ne dévie que peu la bille..
Avez vous une idée de ce que ça peut être ? Il faut peut être que je change les billes, ou l'aimant ? Ou un nettoyage d'une partie du flip, vous avez un petite idée ?

Merci d'avance, et bonne vacances tous :bd:

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Re: STERN : Gardien de la galaxy !

Message par thebbx » sam. 23 12, 2023 09:19

pour moi je pense que c'est plus lié au fait que le fonctionnement l'aimant reste aléatoir dès fois il balance fort d'autre fois peu...
:twisted: !!! Choose and perish !!! :twisted: :pop:
