James Bond LE/Prem(Stern)

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Re: James Bond LE/Prem(Stern)

Message par RipleYYY » lun. 22 07, 2024 08:08

Thot a écrit :
lun. 22 07, 2024 06:53
RipleYYY a écrit :
ven. 19 07, 2024 16:02
Thot a écrit :
mar. 04 06, 2024 09:32
disons que c'est moche, lent, sons/musiques médiocres hormis un passage du thème par Moby de goldeneye qui donne un coup de peps :/
je reviens déjà sur le lent, car ici ça fuse à 1000 km/h (comme chaque fois que Stef P. m'amène un flip, nettoyé, plateau lustré/ciré)
il faut souvent 1 semaine pour que ça se "normalise", ce y compris les rebonds et effets bizarres...
je parle des séquences de bille arrêté, les vidéos sont trop longues par exemple
ha oui, ça c'est un vrai gros problème (après c'est la pas la mort hein, ça permet aux bobinnes de refroidir lol)
j'ai pas souvenance avoir vu un tel décallage entre les anims et ce qui se passe sur le plateau, par moment y'a 3 ou 4 séquences de retard, c'est marrant quand tu lances un multi (et qu'il démarre trèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèès longtemps après, parfois même quand t'as perdu ta bille !!! :-o: )

mais sinon oui, le jeu est très rapide :bd:

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Re: James Bond LE/Prem(Stern)

Message par jb » jeu. 26 09, 2024 21:02

LE/PRE V1.04.0 - September 18, 2024

- Official release of 5 Challenge Modes
- Added a "Duel on the Disco Volante Challenge" game. To start this Challenge do the following:
1) Hold in both flippers while the game is in the attract mode.
2) When the GAME PLAY MODE MENU appears, use the flipper buttons to navigate
to the Challenge game.
3) Press the START BUTTON to start the "Duel on the Disco Volante Challenge" game.
- Added a "Duel on the Disco Volante Challenge" High Score Champion.
- Added adjustments to support the "Duel on the Disco Volante Challenge" High Score Champion (default
score threshold, type of award to give, # of awards to give).
- Added a "Duel on the Disco Volante" Challenge Champion to the attract mode presentation.
- Added a "Duel on the Disco Volante" Challenge Ball Save Timer adjustment. Default setting
time = 45 seconds, min = 5 seconds, max = 100 seconds.

- Added a "Goldfinger's Jackpot Challenge" game. To start this Challenge do the following:
1) Hold in both flippers while the game is in the attract mode.
2) When the GAME PLAY MODE MENU appears, use the flipper buttons to navigate
to the Challenge game.
3) Press the START BUTTON to start the "Goldfinger's Jackpot Challenge" game.
- Added a "Goldfinger's Jackpot Challenge" High Score Champion.
- Added adjustments to support the "Goldfinger's Jackpot Challenge" High Score Champion (default
score threshold, type of award to give, # of awards to give).
- Added a "Goldfinger's Jackpot" Challenge Champion to the attract mode presentation.
- Added a "Goldfinger's Jackpot" Challenge Ball Save Timer adjustment. Default setting
time = 30 seconds, min = 5 seconds, max = 100 seconds.

- Added a "Ahoy Mr. Bond Challenge" game. To start this Challenge do the following:
1) Hold in both flippers while the game is in the attract mode.
2) When the GAME PLAY MODE MENU appears, use the flipper buttons to navigate
to the Challenge game.
3) Press the START BUTTON to start the "Ahoy Mr. Bond Challenge" game.
- Added a "Ahoy Mr. Bond Challenge" High Score Champion.
- Added adjustments to support the "Ahoy Mr. Bond Challenge" High Score Champion (default
score threshold, type of award to give, # of awards to give).
- Added a "Ahoy Mr. Bond" Challenge Champion to the attract mode presentation.
- Added a "Ahoy Mr. Bond" Challenge Ball Save Timer adjustment. Default setting
time = 60 seconds, min = 40 seconds, max = 100 seconds.

- Added a "Chaos at Crab Key Challenge" game. To start this Challenge do the following:
1) Hold in both flippers while the game is in the attract mode.
2) When the GAME PLAY MODE MENU appears, use the flipper buttons to navigate
to the Challenge game.
3) Press the START BUTTON to start the "Chaos at Crab Key Challenge" game.
- Added a "Chaos at Crab Key Challenge" High Score Champion.
- Added adjustments to support the "Chaos at Crab Key" Challenge High Score Champion (default
score threshold, type of award to give, # of awards to give).
- Added a "Chaos at Crab Key" Challenge Champion to the attract mode presentation.
- Added a "Chaos at Crab Key" Challenge Ball Save Timer adjustment. Default setting
time = 45 seconds, min = 5 seconds, max = 60 seconds.
- Fixed a bug where the "Chaos at Crab Key" complete display effect could not be blown off.

- Added "Her Majesty’s Secret Service" Challenge game, a flips based Wizard Mode. To start this
Challenge do the following:
1) Hold in both flippers while the game is in the attract mode.
2) When the GAME PLAY MODE MENU appears, use the flipper buttons to navigate
to the Challenge game.
3) Press the START BUTTON to start the "Her Majesty's Secret Service" Challenge game.
In this mode, the player has a limited number of flips. The mode has six stages, one for each
film, followed by MI6 Multiball. All the points scored in each Film Stage become the value for
that Film Jackpot in MI6 Multiball. Any unused flips remaining at the end of each stage gets
carried over to the next stage. Each Film Stage also adds 35 more flips to the flip count.
Starting MI6 Multiball adds 70 flips. A ball will be added into play after the first Film mode
is played, if that ball drains it doesn't come back for the rest of that stage and it doesn’t
subtract any flips. When you have two balls in play, all scores are doubled and it returns to
normal scoring when you drain back to one ball play. When you are in single ball play, draining
subtracts 5 flips. If you run out of flips in a stage, you move onto the next Film Stage.
"Her Majesty’s Secret Service" Challenge is over when you run out of flips during the
MI6 Multiball stage. Game play advances to the next player or to the match/game over
- Added a "Her Majesty’s Secret Service" Challenge Champion to the attract mode presentation.
- Added adjustments/logic to support the "Her Majesty’s Secret Service" Challenge High Score
Champion (default score threshold, type of award to give, and # of awards to give).

- Added main play music to the end of "Duel on the Disco Volante" Challenge Mode.
- Fixed "Ball 2" text that appears during the match effect after playing a Challenge Mode.
- Added Ball Saver Timer adjustments to:
Chaos at Crab Key
Ahoy Mr. Bond
Goldfinger's Jackpot Wizard Mode
Duel on the Disco Volante
- Added a "Goldfinger's Jackpot" Wizard Mode Timer adjustment.
- Added a "Duel on the Disco Volante" Lock Timer adjustment.
- Added logic to disable the side loop Extra Ball rule during Challenge modes.
- Added a side loop "disabled" sound FX.
- Now Martini's can be collected during Challenge modes. Note: Martini's collected
during Challenge modes do not award Smart Missiles.
- Changed "Duel on the Disco Volante" Challenge Mode Background instruction text.
- Added logic to the "Duel on the Disco Volante" Challenge Mode to score a timed
"Final Jackpot" when draining down to 1 ball.
- Changed the number of available shots during the Final Jackpot stage of the "Duel on the Disco
Volante" Challenge Mode.
- Changed which RGB colors are allowed to be rendered during attract mode Full Game Light Effects.
- Added logic to the attract mode Full Game Light Effects, i.e.
Playfield/Topper/Speakers, that restricts rendering of repeated colors.
- Added logic to turn off the Flippers, Pop Bumpers, and Slingshots when time expires at the
end of the "Goldfinger's Jackpot" Challenge mode.
- Fixed a bug where the Speaker Light Adjustment didn't change the Blue RGB lamp correctly.
- Corrected Challenge Mode Title text that was displayed partially off screen.
- Fixed a bug where the Flippers might not turn off at the completion of the "Ahoy Mr. Bond"
Challenge Mode.
- Fixed a bug where the "Duel on the Disco Volante" Challenge Mode countdown speech
occured after aborting a game.

- System Version 3.78
- Updated to nodeboard firmware/protocol v1.19.0
- Correct issue where the Cabinet Speaker Type (4 vs 8 ohm) could be incorrectly applied to
the Backbox Speaker volume.
- Updated Service Menu->Util->Install->Home to set: "KNOCKER VOLUME" to VERY LOW
- Various behind the scenes improvements for correctness and performance.

LE/PRE V1.03.0 - August 7, 2024

- Added a Background Speaker Light adjustment which allows the default color of the
Speaker Lights that appear during game play to be changed. This adjustment only
appears if Speaker Lights are attached to the game.
- Added Jetpack advance Speaker Light Effects.
- Added Speaker Light Effects for lighting/collecting locks when advancing towards
Bird 1 Multiball.
- Now the Topper Background color matches the Speaker Light background color.
- Changed the Topper Bonus Light Effect to match the Bonus Speaker Light Effect.
- Changed the Topper Main Play Light Effect to pulsing "Red".
- Added logic to allow the Speaker Lights to be on during Diagnostic tests to assist diagnosis
of the game while in dark environments.
- Changed the bonus sequence to use the "Sonar" lamp technique on the Speaker Lights.
- Added logic to pulse the Speaker Lights during game start.
- Cleaned up Topper/Speaker background lamp effect grace period availability.
- Cleaned up the Q Branch award lamp effects.
- Changed the Speaker Super Skill Shot award lamp effect.
- Changed the Topper Super Skill Shot lamp effect.
- Added Speaker lamp effects to "007 Scoring".
- Changed the Topper skill shot background lamp effect to match the shot arrow color.
- Added Speaker lamp effects to the Spinner/Pop Bumpers.
- Added Speaker lamp effects to Skill Shot.
- Added speaker lamp effects to the "Bond..James Bond" Wizard Mode.
- Changed the Playfield, Speaker, and Topper award lamp effect timings for "Ahoy Mr. Bond",
"Duel on the Disco Volante", "Goldfinger's Jackpot", "Chaos on Crab Key", and
"Bond..James Bond".
- Added Speaker and Topper Super Jackpot Award lamp effects to "Ahoy Mr. Bond",
"Duel on the Disco Volante", "Goldfinger's Jackpot", "Chaos on Crab Key".
- Removed "white" rgb lamps from the full playfield attract mode light effects.
- Added a Pinwheel lamp effect to the attract mode light sequence.
- Added Speaker Lamp effects to Vllain, Henchmen, SPECTRE Weapon, and Q Branch modes.
- Added Speaker lamp effects to Bird 1 Multiball.
- Added Speaker lamp effects to Jetpack Multiball.
- Reworked ALL attract mode lamp effects to integrate Speaker/Topper lamps.
- Changed the timing of the Tilt speech.
- Added Speaker Lights to the attract mode lightshow.
- Added Speaker lights to mode start/background/award/total events.
- Added Speaker non mode/multiball background light effect.
- Changed the Topper to match the non mode/multiball background light effects.
- Fixed a display bug that occurs for a few frames when transitioning between
the Bonus display effect and the Match display effect.
- Changed the rules to allow "Her Majesty's Secret Service" to collect 1
"End-of-Ball" Bonus upon completion.
- Fixed a bug where Extra Ball Points were not being awarded upon completing
"Bond..James Bond".
- Now the Outlane Ball Save lights are turned off during "Her Majesty's Secret Service", i.e.
the rule is designed to return any drained balls and the lights are not needed for an "early"
ball save.
- Changed "DB5" award text/video from "Folding Number Plate" to "Revolving Number Plate".

- System Version 3.72
- Conagent v1.0.17
- Various behind-the-scenes improvements for correctness and performance.
- Update Standard Adjustment #45 Knocker Volume to have settings of:
OFF, LOW, NORMAL, VERY LOW with a default setting of NORMAL
- Update Diag->Knocker test to use knocker volume as specified by the Standard Adjustment

rech un moteur pour le flipper frank thomas big hurt (gottlieb).reference>31297
rech pieds pour flipper wpc et system 11
rech dome topper pour un whitewater.
