The Uncanny X-Men (stern) v 0.90

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The Uncanny X-Men (stern) v 0.90

Message par jb » mar. 08 10, 2024 10:28

V0.84 - October 7, 2024

Official LE Release

-Added new mainplay and shooter groove songs.
-Added pop bumper award videos and sfx.
-Added combo award videos and sfx.
-Added Beast Lab award videos and sfx.
-Added sound fxs and speech game wide.
-Added trough power adjustment with updated default.
-Added additional power adjustments for devices: Head, Hand, Finger, Diverter, Cerebro, Post.
-Updated Score UI to improve visibility for Mission progress, Beast Lab, Danger Room, and Mission advance.
-Updated Mission Select display and sound.
-Updated Beast Lab award text.
-Updated To Me, My X-Men Multiball award messages.
-Updated main play video.
-Updated Danger Room videos.
-Updated Sentinel hand and finger videos.
-Updated playfield light effects and light shows game wide.
-Modified Danger Room rules to enhance all scores missions and multiballs. Its effects persist throughout the game.
-Modified later stage missions to be available earlier on.
-Modified shot arrow indication for missions and multiballs.
-Modified duration of bonus screen to be shorter.
-Modified Bitter Rivalry shots to have more variation.
-Modified Sentinel Facility Raid rule to be more straightforward.
-Modified High Score entry screen to game font.
-Modified scoring for balancing.
-Modified game wide sound balancing.
-Modified default auto-launch power to 255.
-Modified the debounce for switches on the Sentinel Head in LE/Premium version.
-Adjusted Sentinel Jaw power.
-Fixed Bishop action button behavior where it was giving awards beyond its scope.
-Fixed Bishop action button for it to award its current selection automatically if the ball ends.
-Fixed some action button light issues.
-Fixed an issue with Time Loop Skillshot where the grace period would not continue the skillshot.
-Fixed an issue with Cerebro where the Cerebro post would not hold when coming in and out of certain special events.
-Fixed some Sentinel Head device behavior in The Future.
-Fixed an issue with Save the City start where the post would not hold correctly.
-Fixed an issue during multiballs where the X-Mansion ball save would be awarded incorrectly during multiball ball save.
-Fixed an issue where the ramp diverter would activate incorrectly in The Future.

V0.83 - September 24, 2024

-Added Beast lab level up and award SFX.
-Added some lock out code for the Sentinel head while playfield is not validated.
-Added some timing functions to adjust for some Sentinel head where the jaw operation is triggering the kicking target.
-Added a new light effect for Bishop Action Button to quickly blink the spotted shots.
-Added Bishop Action Button LTS strings for Bishop lane shots to LTS tables.
-Modified Bishop Action Button lighting with additions/improvements.
-Modified Bishop Action Button are now included Combo and Sentinel inserts in the roving shot light effect.
-Fixed a bug where Bishop Action Button couldn't spot the left center ramp.
-Fixed an issue where Sentinel jaw activated unnecessarily on ball start.
-Fixed an issue where kicking target could still kick if jaw is up.
-Fixed an issue where Sentinel Hand could trigger in attract mode.
-Disabled Sentinel Head Test move failed logic.

V0.82 - September 23, 2024

-Added ability to store Sentinel Head position bias and Sentinel Finger wait
times in adjustments.
-Improved music, sound, and speech mixing.
-Fixed a stutter when modes ended while draining.
-Fixed some test menu text that was slightly too large for the screen.
Modifié en dernier par jb le sam. 22 02, 2025 21:37, modifié 4 fois.

rech un moteur pour le flipper frank thomas big hurt (gottlieb).reference>31297
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Re: The Uncanny X-Men (stern)

Message par BENETNATH » lun. 21 10, 2024 18:42

On a pu tester la machine à Retroplay, en pro
ça fuse, les trajectoires sont inattendues, il y a des espaces ouverts qui permettent à la balle de flotter, contrairement au Foo fighter qui était très dirigiste
la zone de gauche est super satisfaisante.
Très bonne machine qui a un gros gout d'y retourner ! une réussite de jack danger
Améliorer le cadre de vie des malades hospitalisés avec des flippers, c'est le but de notre association:
Venez-voir et n'hésitez pas à nous contacter ^^ ~(:-)

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Re: the uncanny x-men (stern)

Message par jb » jeu. 24 10, 2024 10:31

V0.86 - October 23, 2024

-Added new total screen for Sentinel Multiball.
-Updated music, speech, and sounds.
-Updated Fastball Special blinking lights.
-Updated Danger Room Abort ball save light usage.
-Updated Danger Room videos.
-Updated X-Mansion light usage.
-Modified Genosha Under Siege to award "Perfect" with four Toad hits instead of six.
-Modified the ball save time on The Future for initial presenation.
-Modified Sentinel Head message to say "emerges in."
-Modified Bishop Action Button messages to be thematically accurate in the game.
-Modified Comic Info Bar to handle Bishop Action Button messages.
-Modified left loop return to auto-validate playfield.
-Fixed an issue where the player up speech would happen at incorrect times.
-Fixed an issue where Bishop Pop Bumper would play unnecessary animations after being maxed out.
-Fixed an issue where Sentinel inserts might show incorrectly when returning from The Future.
-Fixed an issue in The Future where the action button would remain on even when it wasn't available.
-Fixed an issue in The Future where it was giving double awards in certain situations.
-Fixed an issue in The Future where combo speech was stomping on other speech.
-Fixed a priority issue in The Future where Sentinel destroyed displays were being interrupted.
-Fixed an issue in X-Mansion Ball Save where it would not light correctly if awarded through Beast Lab.
-Fixed an issue with Time Loop Skill Shot where the loop count would not reset if you drained while Time Loop was still active.
-Fixed an issue with Time Loop Skill Shot where it would allow other awards to interrupt the time loop.
-Fixed an issue with skill shots inhibiting all mode advance shots instead of specific ones.
-Fixed an issue in Mission Select where Rescue The Innocent progress was not showing.
-Fixed an issue where Fastball Special starting would interrupt Mission Select. Now it will occur after Mission Select.
-Fixed an issue in Mayhem in Midtown where the hurry-up shots were not being awarded correctly on mission restart.
-Fixed an issue in Stopping a Juggernaut where a restart might leave the player with only one shot to hit.
-Fixed an issue in Sentinel Facility Raid where the "Perfect" Mission award was not being awarded if all three shots were not out when the Sentinel Head was hit.
-Fixed an issue with Fastball Special where it would allow Cerebro to hold while Fastball Special is active.
-Fixed an issue where the Sentinel Head would not register correctly during Save the City Mulitball.
-Fixed issues in all modes where "Perfect" final award could be achieved on Mission restarts.
-Fixed issues related to getting a "Perfect" final award on missions, where they were not being awarded correctly for IC achievements.

System V3.81 Update
- Updated France default pricing to Euro 4 - 1/EUR 1.00, 2/EUR 2.00, 3/EUR 3.00, 5/EUR 4.00
- Increase volume level of Service Menu buttons
- Various behind the scenes improvements for correctness and performance.

V0.85 - October 17, 2024

Expo Build

-Added Fastball Special rule. When Fastball Special starts, hit the Uptown shot and combo it to the Giant Sentinel Head.
-Added new artwork for Bishop pop bumper awards.
-Added instruction video for The Future.
-Added Mission, The Future, Danger Room, and X-Mansion audits.
-Added failed mission total video.
-Added Sentinel speech for logging into Stern Insider Connected and Home Team.
-Added Scoreframe UI Danger Room title.
-Updated Scoreframe UI with new animations for Beast Lab, X symbol mission advance, and mission progress.
-Updated Sentinel Facility Raid mission rules. Destroy the moving Sentinel on the conveyors.
-Updated sound fxs and speech for general gameplay.
-Updated Beast Lab so that it's available in The Future if Beast survives. Otherwise Beast Lab is not available in The Future.
-Updated Beast Lab awards.
-Updated Beast Lab award screen.
-Updated Giant Sentinel arrival with new artwork and health progress bar.
-Updated Sentinel Finger default flick time.
-Updated Bonus sound fxs.
-Updated Cerebro Skill Shot display award.
-Updated Bitter Rivalry display awards.
-Updated Mission Select display with progress meters
-Updated Mission start light shows.
-Updated Rescue the Innocent pop award display video.
-Updated Giant Sentinel Head flasher usage.
-Updated Sentinel Multiball speech usage.
-Updated Sentinel Multiball eye behavior.
-Updated Sentinel Multiball total message.
-Updated Sentinel Multiball scoring for destroyed Sentinels.
-Updated Sentinel Multiball Super Jackpot difficulty.
-Updated To Me, My X-Men Multiball ready, light, sound, and shaker motor effects.
-Updated all Multiball grace periods to behave properly.
-Modified Scoreframe UI with larger X-Men images.
-Modified Danger Room difficulty.
-Modified Danger Room being active to time out after ten seconds.
-Modified Combo scores.
-Modified Rescue the Innocent pop bumper score.
-Modified Sentinel Multiball arrow colors.
-Modified To Me, My X-Men Multiball arrow colors.
-Modified UI behavior for match sequence.
-Modified high score text.
-Fixed a choreography issue that caused the Sentinel Finger to be greatly delayed when "flicking".
-Fixed a test menu issue where the trough eject power was accidentally hidden.
-Fixed an issue with Beast Lab bar showing progress incorrectly.
-Fixed an issue where timers might continue when Extra Ball is being awarded.
-Fixed a Kitty Award scoring issue.
-Fixed Danger Room rewards to apply to all missions and multiballs correctly.
-Fixed an issue where Bishop action button was activating the hand and the finger devices incorrectly.
-Fixed an issue where Bishop action button was awarding combos.
-Fixed an issue in To Me, My X-Men Multiball where Sentinel and combo inserts were being obscured.
-Fixed an issue in Save the City Multiball where the total was being added to incorrectly after the first multiball.
-Fixed X-Mansion ball save to behave properly during multiballs.
-Fixed a priority issue for Extra Ball.
-Fixed an issue where the Giant Sentinel Head's eyes will shut off if it is no longer giving awards.
-Fixed an issue for when a player wrapped the game, the mission select would show incorrectly.
-Fixed an issue where the Sentinel head would be forced down during Sentinel MB when The Future was ready.
-Fixed an issue where you can toggle the action button in the Future before the proper threshold.
-Fixed an issue where the text title for the boss bar so the last letter is properly aligned.
-Fixed an issue where if the player completed all the modes, were in the Future, and drained, it would put the player back in the past. Now the player will start in the Future again.
-Fixed an issue where the ramp diverter would jump incorrectly after coming out of The Future.
-Fixed a multiplayer issue where mission advance might award mission select on the wrong shot.
-Fixed jukebox text and missing songs.

System V3.80 Update
-Various behind the scenes improvements for correctness and performance.

rech un moteur pour le flipper frank thomas big hurt (gottlieb).reference>31297
rech pieds pour flipper wpc et system 11
rech dome topper pour un whitewater.

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Re: The Uncanny X-Men (stern)

Message par jb » mer. 30 10, 2024 22:24

code v0.87.0 30/10/2024

-Added audit for X-Mansion ramps.
-Added original mainplay and mainplay #2 songs back to the DJ Mixer.
-Added new UI elements for Cyclops, Beast, Jean, and Nightcrawler.
-Added game over light show.
-Updated speech and sound fxs.
-Updated shot arrow and sentinel shared lights system.
-Updated Save the City Multiball to include Gambit award, shot location levels, and Danger Room enhancement.
-Updated Speech and sound fx for Save the City Multiball.
-Updated arrow lights in Save the City Multiball to handle recent updates to the shared lights system.
-Updated background, GI, and award lights in Save the City Multiball.
-Updated Sentinel Multiball shot lights to behave in a manner that's closer to other multiballs when the shots are hit.
-Updated "To Me, My X-Men" Multiball background and award lights.
-Updated The Future Speech.
-Updated The Future instructions sound fx.
-Updated The Future to include the use of Gambit and Danger Room, if Gambit and Xavier were saved in the Past.
-Updated Slide In award messages with more character images. Fastball Special now uses a new message and image.
-Updated Danger Room lights.
-Updated speaker lights to respond with GI usage and Sentinels being present.
-Modified super skill shot to be on the Danger Room ramp instead of the X-Mansion ramp.
-Modified credits speech timing.
-Modified text during Sentinel Multiball Super Jackpots.
-Modified Fastball Special text.
-Modified shot location level text.
-Modified skill shot text.
-Modified Extra Ball award to be lit after returning to the past from The Future.
-Modified scores for Save the City Multiball.
-Fixed an issue across all multiballs grace where starting another multiball would not revive it.
-Fixed scoring issues in Save the City Multiball where progress wasn't being counted correctly.
-Fixed a total score issue in Save the City Multiball where a second playthrough would have an incorrectly inflated total.
-Fixed an issue in Save the City Multiball where the X-Mansion ramp wasn't being counted towards ramp completions.
-Fixed an issue in Save the City Multiball where ball save was not working correctly during the start animation.
-Fixed an issue where mission light system might prevent other rules' lights from showing when the mission wasn't using the light.
-Fixed an issue in "To Me, My X-Men" Mulitball where ball save was not working correctly during the start animation.
-Fixed shot lights remaining on after being completed in "To Me, My X-Men" Multiball.
-Fixed some Wolverine speech from The Future being used in the past incorrectly.
-Fixed Wolverine speech that played incorrectly in The Future when Wolverine was not saved.
-Fixed an issue in The Future where the revisit speech would stomp on other speech.
-Fixed an issue with Danger Room title in the UI being the wrong color during level 2.
-Fixed an issue where Cerebro hold would not wait for Beast Lab upgrade awards.
-Fixed an issue where the Sentinel mouth would not cycle properly during ball search.

rech un moteur pour le flipper frank thomas big hurt (gottlieb).reference>31297
rech pieds pour flipper wpc et system 11
rech dome topper pour un whitewater.

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Re: The Uncanny X-Men (stern)

Message par jb » sam. 07 12, 2024 19:34

V0.88 - November 26, 2024

-Added surviving X-Men perk system for "The Future." Below is a list of the X-Men and the perks they bestow.
Endless Tinkering: Beast Lab awards are available.
Charged and Ready: Enables Bishop pop bumper abilities.
Enables Bishop action button abilities.
Steel Protector: Enables Kitty Sneak-in Lane.
Enables Kitty Sneak-in Target.
Enables a Beast Lab award to spot a shot, if Beast Lab is available.
Strong Leadership: Sentinels find Kitty slower and appear less often.
Trick Card: Enables Gambit pop bumper abilities.
Jean Grey:
Telekinetic Saves: Enables X-Mansion target and ball save abilities.
Adds time to all ball saves in "The Future."
Enables a Beast Lab award to light X-Mansion ball save, if Beast Lab is available.
Magnetic Grab: Enables magnet hold and fling abilities.
Sentinels are smaller* (Requires less shots to destroy).

*Sentinels are now made of rare, electromagnetically resistant, composite
materials, making them smaller. Stacks with Storm's smaller Sentinel perk.

Teleporting Attack: Enables Nightcrawler targets.
Nightcrawler targets award shots on either side of the target.
Professor X:
Experienced Mentor: Enables the Danger Room and Danger Room rewards.
Slow Nimrod: Nimrod now appears after destroying additional Sentinels.
Adds time to Escape Nimrod.
Chain Lightning: When two or more Sentinels are present, any hit to a Sentinel will award a bonus hit to every other Sentinel.
Sentinels are smaller* (Require less shots to destroy).

*Sentinels are now made of rare, environmentally resistant materials, making them
smaller. Stacks with Magneto's smaller Sentinel perk.

Extra Damage: The First hit on a Sentinel awards a bonus hit to the same Sentinel.

-Added "Escape Nimrod" to "The Future."
"Escape Nimrod" is a timed event that only occurs in "The Future." As Nimrod
is invulnerable to physical harm, Kitty Pryde's only hope is to escape him.
Complete the paths (shots) Kitty can take to give Nimrod the slip. Successfully
escaping Nimrod forces all Sentinels to retreat briefly. Failing to escape
Nimrod in time alerts all Sentinels in the area to Kitty's prescense.

-Added new intro video to game start and attract mode.
-Added new artwork and music for "Save the City Multiball".
-Added Giant Sentinel head progress to a successful Fastball Special award. Now the Giant Sentinel head will progress to the next stage of destruction.
-Added Score UI facade for "The Future."
-Added adjustment to switch the past mainplay and mainplay revised music back to the original versions at game launch.
-Added audit counts and percentages for auto-plunge.
-Updated auto-plunge default power to 240 from 255.
-Updated "Save the City Multiball" rules to reflect the new artwork.
-Updated Future Wolverine speech usage.
-Updated Future Kitty speech usage.
-Updated speech and sound fxs for "Save the City Multiball".
-Updated speech and sound fxs for "To Me, My X-Men Multiball".
-Updated backpanel lights in "The Future."
-Updated Cerebro and Post hold light effects.
-Updated Danger Room light behavior in "The Future."
-Updated Bishop pop bumper flasher behavior based on his charge level.
-Updated End of Ball Bonus display screen.
-Updated Time Loop Skill Shot text to be more descriptive and theme appropriate.
-Updated slide-in awards to feature additional characters.
-Updated all mission awards' text and fonts.
-Modified shooter lane switch debounce times.
-Modified skill shots to no longer end for a rollback plunge.
-Modified Super Skill Shot's dependencies to include the X-Mansion ramp switch.
-Modified Extra Ball Lit to be awarded after the third mission instead of the second. Extra Ball Lit is now also awarded after completing the seventh mission.
-Modified Bitter Rivalry shot patterns to be ordered random.
-Modified light effects for "Save the City Multiball".
-Modified magnet usage in the past to only hold and release if "Genosha Under Siege" was not completed.
-Modified Combo speech to be less chatty and work in "The Future."
-Modified the hold bonus target beneath the Danger Room Flipper to no longer give tech alerts.
-Modified ball save video where Professor X is now on the Astral Plane, projecting his powers correctly.
-Modified several mission scores for balance.
-Modified Sentinel hit scores in "The Future."
-Fixed an issue in "The Future" where very small Sentinels would all be the same size.
-Fixed an issue in Super Skill Shot where it would not be killed properly when another shot was hit.
-Fixed an issue where the Danger Room would not start at level 1.
-Fixed issues with Danger Room light effects not showing correctly.
-Fixed an issue with Bishop action button award where it would delay awarding the shot.
-Fixed an issue in Fastball Special where it would continuously notify players that it was ready after the first notification.
-Fixed an issue where Fastball Special was using some incorrect speech and sound fx.
-Fixed an issue in Fastball Special where incorrect messages would appear in "The Future."
-Fixed an issue in "Save the City Multiball" where mission totals would play after the start.
-Fixed an issue in missions where arrow inserts would remain lit after an award was collected on them and they were no longer valid to hit.
-Fixed an issue in Sentinel Facility Raid where elements of the missions were not being added to the mission total.
-Fixed an issue where Sentinel Facility Raid complete award was adding an extra score incorrectly.
-Fixed an issue where the action button was not lit when players would enter their initials/names.
-Fixed an issue where the Highway diverter and Cerebro hold could trigger while in the test menu.
-Fixed a cascading shot timing issue where extremely slow rolls down the ramps may cause incorrect Cerebro behavior.
-Fixed an incorrect tint in the Score UI for Professor X's poster in "The Future."
-Fixed some issues with shaker motor features where some activations were reliant on LE/Prem devices and would not occur on the Pro version.

System V3.86 Update
-Action Button colors:
Green: Start Game
Yellow: Game Play Menu Action (was previously Orange)
-Change threshold for "Weak WIFI Signal" Tech Alert from -60db to -70db
-Conagent v1.0.16
-Various behind the scenes improvements for correctness and performance.

rech un moteur pour le flipper frank thomas big hurt (gottlieb).reference>31297
rech pieds pour flipper wpc et system 11
rech dome topper pour un whitewater.

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Re: The Uncanny X-Men (stern)

Message par flipbill » jeu. 19 12, 2024 11:58

V0.89 - December 18, 2024

-Added Skill shot and Double skill shot from a short plunge, past the gate out of the shooter lane.
Previous skill shots are now "Left Flipper Skill Shots".
-Added "Giant Sentinel Head" lifetime achievement.
-Added "Escape Nimrod" start and completed achievements.
-Added new graphics for UI health bar text.
-Updated Future X-Men perks messages and titles.
-Updated "Save The City Multiball" to have slide-in info when making progress.
-Updated speaker light shows.
-Updated game light shows.
-Updated mission rules for "Mayhem in Midtown". Hitting targets next to City Locations will light
up those locations for awards. This change better reflects the theme of the mission.
-Updated mission rules for "Smuggled Cargo" for clarity. Now, one pair of shots, representing a
blocking car, will be available as an enhanced perfect shot. This is denoted by a purle, faster
blinking insert.
-Modified Gambit pop bumper rule where the 2X bonus no longer stacks. Once it's available,
players must use it before earning another one. Hitting the pop bumper through the return lane
will automatically make the Gambit 2x award available.
-Fixed an issue in "Save The City Multiball" so the "Save The City" insert stayed lit on the
playfield while the multiball was running.
-Fixed an issue in Beast Lab where the first level 3 award was not awarding an Extra Ball.
-Fixed an issue where double flipping cancelled all queued up events with mission starts.
Now players will be able to cancel them one at a time.

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Re: The Uncanny X-Men (stern) v 0.90

Message par jb » sam. 22 02, 2025 21:37

V0.90 - February 18, 2025

-Added IC content for upcoming Quests and Badges.
-Added new display effects to "Fastball Special." Now, each segment has its own background video.
-Added "Save the City Multiball" progression display to the UI.
-Added new pulsing sound fx while "Fastball Special" is running.
-Added "Mayhem in Midtown" and "Sentinel Facility Raid" videos to attract mode.
-Added display effects for Jean Grey, Cyclops, and Beast when they are available in The Future.
-Added slide in messages for Jean Grey, Cyclops, and Beast when entering "The Future" to make players aware that their powers are in effect.
-Added "Escape Nimrod" timed out display.
-Added additional speech throughout the game, including game start, The Future, and Bishop.
-Added various sound fx.
-Added additional light shows for Sentinel events, mission awards and event starts.
-Added Extra Ball consolation score for instances where extra balls have been turned off.
-Added additional Shaker Motor effects to several awards, Cerebro, and skill shots.
-Added new audit to count up auto plunge for ramp hits. This audit will not count auto plunges from test menu.
-Adjusted sound balancing for music, sound fx, and speech throughout the game.
-Updated Cerebro Skill Shot to award progress towards "To Me, My X-Men" Multiball.
-Updated "Stopping a Juggernaut" mission rules. Now, you must alternate between attacking the Juggernaut and defending the X-Mansion grounds. New perfect condition is to complete the mission with over 25 seconds remaining.
-Updated "Sentinel Multiball" with a new Giant Sentinel head feature. This feature allows players to bring the Giant Sentinel head up by directly hitting the Giant Sentinel when down. However, this is a limited effect, since when the Giant Sentinel takes significant damage, it will retreat, if able. Destroying enough supporting Sentinels will prevent the Giant Sentinel from retreating.
-Updated "To Me, My X-Men Multiball" awards to cumulatively increase the Super Jackpot when additional shots are hit
-Updated "Save the City Multiball" to be a 4 ball multiball, up from 3 balls.
-Updated GI and lamp usage in "Sentinel Multiball".
-Updated "Smuggled Cargo" to include a score boosting effect to the Gambit pop bumper.
-Updated "Fastball Special" background display to properly fill the first segment of hitting the Uptown ramp.
-Updated the award display for target hits in "Mayhem in Midtown" to better reflect Blob's power.
-Updated text on info bar for several missions.
-Increased all Mission times, giving players more time to complete missions.
-Increased ball save times for "To Me, My X-Men Multiball" and "Save the City Multiball".
-Increased "Escape Nimrod" scores.
-Increased shot progression bonus score values.
-Increased award and jackpot scores for "Sentinel Multiball", "To Me, My X-Men Multiball", and "Save the City Multiball".
-Reduced Combos max score.
-Modified score in "Rescue the Innocent" where the max score for a Bishop pop hit was reduced.
-Modified Sentinel spawns during "Sentinel Multiball" to no longer be random initially. Sentinels will now always spawn in the same place when the multiball starts.
-Modified combo speech to play less often.
-Fixed an issue with Double Skill Shot where it was awarding erroneously in some cases.
-Fixed an issue in Time Loop Skill Shot where, in a rare instance, it would award a large score incorrectly.
-Fixed an issue for skill shots where it was using an incorrect switch.
-Fixed an issue in "Fastball Special" where displays and lights were lingering during the grace period.
-Fixed an issue where "Fastball Special" being advanced while The Future was ready caused the return lane post to activate incorrectly.
-Fixed an issue in "Smuggled Cargo" where the final award was not being doubled correctly when a 2x was available.
-Fixed an issue in the "Beast Lab" award add-a-ball where it was replacing the ball save timer instead of extending it.
-Fixed an issue where the "Rescue the Innocent" multiplier was not being applied correctly.
-Fixed an issue with the Gambit pop bumper where the flasher was not lighting to help indicate Gambit 2x was available.
-Fixed an issue where Game Over speech would play when entering the test menu during the Game Over screen.
-Fixed audit for auto plunge to ramp success percentage. This will no longer count attract mode/game over launches.

rech un moteur pour le flipper frank thomas big hurt (gottlieb).reference>31297
rech pieds pour flipper wpc et system 11
rech dome topper pour un whitewater.
