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Niveau : Confirmé
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Localisation : bordeaux


Message par jb » mer. 23 12, 2020 12:28

on ne le repetera jamais assez,apres la version 1.0,il n'y a plus d'ajout dans le gameplay,ce ne sont que des corrections de bugs et reajustement.
là ils ressortent un paquet de mise a jour pour rajouter les wizard mode challenge et les dj mixer.

PRO V1.01 - December 21, 2020

- Added logic to keep the left ramp up post in the raised position a bit longer
in situations where an award is going to be given at the left ramp exit switch.
- Added shaker effects for bashing the Demogorgon.
- Added bigger shaker effects for killing a Demogorgon.
- Now the pop bumper score award text turns RED to indicate that Dart has fully evolved.
- Scoring for Lure Dart has changed and is now based upon which Pop Bumper level
Dart has evolved to.
- Added "Damage Meter" text to the Bust Out background LCD display effect.
- Scoring for Follow the Compass, Monster Hunting, Morse Code, Bullies,
What Mama Says, and Monster Hunting has been updated/enhanced.
- Now the Chapter Mode's 10% of mode score points that contribute to the End
of Ball Bonus are reset at the end of the ball, i.e. these points are no longer
carried forward from ball to ball.
- Changed/Set the Bonus X multiplier maximum to 5X.
- Changed the scores awarded during End of Ball Bonus. End of Ball Bonus Scores are:
1) Telekinesis Multiball Starts X 3M
2) Demogorgon Mode/Multiball Starts X 2M
3) Demodog Mode Starts X 5M
4) 5-WAY Combo = 10M
5) Chapter 1-6 Mode Starts X 1M plus 10% of Mode Score.
6) Chapter 7-12 Mode Starts X 1M plus 10% of Mode Score.
7) Drawings Collected X 2M
Points carry over from ball to ball.
- Fixed a problem where the wrong amount of points were being awarded in the
Burn it Back, Telekinesis Advance, and Combo rules.
- Fixed a bug where some "Final Showdown Challenge" Champion title screen text
was displayed off screen.
- Added a new bottom lanes completion SFX. Note: This is only heard during
Final Showdown Challenge games.
- Added a new bottom lanes completion display effect. Note: This is only seen
during Final Showdown Challenge games.
- Fixed a problem where, upon starting Final Showdown Challenge, the drop targets
were not immediately lowered.
- Fixed a problem where the Final Showdown Challenge Total Points earned display
effect wasn't being shown when Final Showdown Challenge ended.
- Changed the "Bottom Lanes" rule to only advance towards lighting Mystery during
a Final Showdown Challenge game.
- Changed the criteria of which Mystery Awards are available during a Final Showdown
Challenge game.
- Added logic to disallow Final Showdown Challenge games from contributing to
the auto percentaging feature used by the Burn it Back rule to light Extra Ball.
- Added logic to Burn it Back to disallow advancing/lighting Extra Ball during
Final Showdown Challenge games.
- Added a Final Showdown Challenge Ball Save Timer adjustment. Default setting
time = 45 seconds, min = 5 seconds, max = 60 seconds.
- Fixed a problem where the Final Showdown Challenge Start display effect
couldn't be blown off.
- Improved the speech candidate selection used for Ball Save.
- Added logic to Final Showdown Challenge games to disallow replay threshold
- Added logic such that Final Showdown Challenge game scores only contribute to
the Final Showdown Challenge High Score Champion.
- Fixed a problem where the instructional speech was still playing during Final
Showdown Challenge.
- Fixed a problem where the Skill Shot rules were still available during Final
Showdown Challenge.
- Added a new video for the Final Showdown Challenge start display effect.
- Fixed a problem where, upon the completion of Final Showdown Challenge, the
end ball sequence didn't wait for the Final Showdown Completion display effect
to finish.
- Added a Final Showdown Challenge game. To start this Challenge do the following:
1) Hold in both flippers while the game is in the attract mode.
2) When the GAME PLAY MODE MENU appears use the flipper buttons to navigate
to the Challenge game.
3) Press the START BUTTON to start the Final Showdown Challenge game.
- Final Showdown Challenge is a 3 ball multiball that requires 7 stages to complete. The stages are:
Stage 1 = 3 Shots to the left ramp
Stage 2 = 8 Arrow Shots
Stage 3 = 8 Drop Targets
Stage 4 = 7 Demodog Targets
Stage 5 = 25 Pop Bumper Hits
Stage 6 = 25 Spinner Hits
Stage 7 = 1 Shot into the Demogorgon's Mouth to close the gate
A new ball is added into play when you complete a stage and have less than 3
balls in play. Final Showdown Challenge is over when you complete all 7 stages
or have drained all of the balls, i.e. you can keep playing with only 1 ball
in play. When Final Showdown Challenge is over game play advances to the next
player or to the match/game over sequence.
- Added a "Final Showdown Challenge" High Score Champion.
- Added adjustments to support the "Final Showdown Challenge" High Score Champion (default
score threshold, type of award to give, # of awards to give).
- Added a "Final Showdown Challenge" Champion to the attract mode presentation.
- Added logic for the lockdown bar button to restart the music playlist during
DJ Mixer.
- Changed the instant info text colors on the Champion pages to match the
text/arrow colors used during game play.
- Added "Drawings Collected" Champion to instant info.
- Added a "Drawings Collected" High Score Champion.
- Added adjustments to support the "Drawings Collected" High Score Champion (default
score threshold, type of award to give, # of awards to give).
- Added a "Drawings Collected" Champion to the attract mode presentation.
- Resized the attract mode Champion Initials to be larger.
- Changed the attract mode text colors on the Champion pages to match the
text/arrow colors used during game play.
- Added logic to collect 2 Drawings for completing "Turn up the Heat" by only
making blinking arrow shots, i.e. the left/right lane shots.
- Added logic to collect 1 Drawing by completing "Quarter Hunt", and 2 Drawings
by Completing "Quarter Hunt" and collecting all 4 guys via switch thresholds,
i.e. Lucas, Dustin, Mike, and Will.
- Added logic to collect 2 Drawings for completing "Morse Code" by exclusively
making the right orbit shot 3+ times.
- Now the MXV Super Skill Shot awards 1 Drawing.
- Added logic to hold the ball at the left eject until the "Drawings Collected"
display presentation is finished.
- Added logic to collect 2 Drawings for completing "Follow the Compass" without
the aid of using the spinner to move the available shot.
- Added logic to collect 2 Drawings for making a 5-Way Combo to complete Save Will.
- Added logic to collect 2 Drawings for completing "Lure Dart" by making the 4
required shots in an ordered sequence, i.e. Right Lane-> Right Orbit->Left Orbit->Left Lane.
- Added logic to collect 2 Drawings for completing "Bullies" by making the 5 required
shots in an ordered sequence, i.e. Right Ramp-> Left Ramp-> Right Orbit->Left Orbit->Left Lane.
- Fixed a problem where the game would inadvertently give instructional speech
about playing 3 modes to light extra ball.
- Added logic to collect 2 Drawings for completing "Get Me Out" by only making
drop target or center lane standup target shots.
- Added a shaker effect to the Telekinesis Multiball start LCD display sequence
to coincide with the video showing a flipped van crashing to the pavement.
- Added logic to collect 2 Drawings for completing "What Mama Says" by making
all shots in order from left to right, i.e. only shooting blinking arrow shots.
- Added logic to collect 2 Drawings for making a 5-Way Combo enroute to completing
Operation Mirkwood.
- Added logic to collect 2 Drawings for "Finding Barb" on the first shot.
- Added new text for "Missed" award shots during "Where's Barb?"
rech un transfo fonctionnel pour un hot hand (stern)
rech un plateau nu ou complet pour un flipper rollergames.
rech une spinner complete pour un systemme 11 avec la spinner,sa tige et son contact specifique.
rech decors rochers bumpers et dome topper pour un whitewater.

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Dept: 83
Collec Perso: 3 flips
Rech/Achete: 0 flip
aimable donateur accepte les visites de sa Gameroom
Messages : 1467
Enregistré le : 19/10/2006
Niveau : Confirmé
Pro / revendeur : non
Localisation : var
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Message par erikrom » ven. 08 01, 2021 19:40

je charge la 1.02 c'est lent , mais en avant


PRO V1.02 - January 6, 2020

- Added game play tutorial videos to the attract mode.
- Added missing background lightshow.
- Added logic to disallow Demogorgon Bombs from being awarded during Final
Showdown Challenge.
- Fixed a bug where some Demogorgons were not killed by a Demogorgon Bomb.
- Added a Demogorgon Bomb rule. This rule allows the player to kill the
Demogorgon, when available, by pressing the flashing RED lockdown bar button.
This feature is available once per game.
- Removed an unused adjustment.
- Added topper light shows for modes/features.
- Fixed several topper lightshows.
- Fixed a problem that could occur where the background display effect would
be seen for one frame as the Mystery Award display effect finished and
transitioned to showing the given award display animation.
- Fixed a bug where the Mystery Advance Dart award was playing the wrong Dart
evolution sound effect.
- Fixed a bug where the game was playing the wrong pop bumper Dart evolution
sound effect.
vieux jeu pas forcement bon jeu , nouveau jeu pas forcement meilleur . Nouvelle adresse du blog du retrogamer

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Dept: BE
Rech/Achete: 0 flip
Messages : 4974
Enregistré le : 25/01/2011
Niveau : Débutant
Pro / revendeur : non
Localisation : Liège
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Message par RipleYYY » ven. 08 01, 2021 19:56

franchement, c'est triste que y'aura finalement pas de petit vidéo mode, du moins je suppose maintenant, vu l'utilisation du bouton central pour la smart bomb

et c'est pas comme si Lonnie avait déjà fait ça sur son dernier flip (GOTG)... hein ? ... quoi ??? on me dit dans l'oreille que si !
ha mince, ce type est un génie du recyclage de son propre code, et dire qu'il fait ça depuis bien longtemps
le gars est dans son bureau chez STERN à dormir la moitié du temps :z): :x24: impressionnant !

Dept: 01
Rech/Achete: 0 flip
Messages : 22
Enregistré le : 28/09/2020
Pas vu depuis 2 an(s)
Niveau : Débutant
Pro / revendeur : non


Message par Chris101 » mer. 13 01, 2021 21:33

Si cela peut aider
J'ai réglé les pieds de façon à ce que la bulle soit au milieu
Et depuis miracle je tire dans le demogorgon très souvent alors qu'avant pas du tout
Le jeu est certes moins rapide de cette façon mais quel plaisir de lui mettre la bille dans le trou !!!
Je vous mets mon réglage en photo

Bon jeu à tous
Modifié en dernier par Chris101 le jeu. 14 01, 2021 00:09, modifié 1 fois.

Dept: 38
Collec Perso: 56 flips
Rech/Achete: 0 flip
aimable donateur
Messages : 787
Enregistré le : 31/10/2005
Niveau : Initié
Pro / revendeur : non
Localisation : four


Message par jm38 » mer. 13 01, 2021 23:04

Je n'ai pas vu qu il y avait un niveau sur le flip ?

franchement, c'est triste que y'aura finalement pas de petit vidéo mode, du moins je suppose maintenant, vu l'utilisation du bouton central pour la smart bomb
à ce propos ripleyyy :-o:

Dept: 01
Rech/Achete: 0 flip
Messages : 22
Enregistré le : 28/09/2020
Pas vu depuis 2 an(s)
Niveau : Débutant
Pro / revendeur : non


Message par Chris101 » jeu. 14 01, 2021 00:08

J'ai premium, j'imagine qu'ils le sont d'origine dessus peut-être pas sur le pro?

Dept: 38
Collec Perso: 56 flips
Rech/Achete: 0 flip
aimable donateur
Messages : 787
Enregistré le : 31/10/2005
Niveau : Initié
Pro / revendeur : non
Localisation : four


Message par jm38 » jeu. 14 01, 2021 08:25

Non , j'ai un premium mais pas de niveau :m:

l'idée est intéressante et logique mais je ne vais pas pouvoir essayer tout de suite , il part chez un ami pour quelques semaines en échange d'un jurassik park

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Dept: 33
Collec Perso: 0 flip
Rech/Achete: 0 flip
Messages : 19891
Enregistré le : 01/10/2002
Niveau : Confirmé
Pro / revendeur : non
Localisation : bordeaux


Message par jb » jeu. 14 01, 2021 11:08

de toute façon,avec tous les verrins de pied au plus bas,vous avez la bonne pente a 6,5 degrés normalement.
rech un transfo fonctionnel pour un hot hand (stern)
rech un plateau nu ou complet pour un flipper rollergames.
rech une spinner complete pour un systemme 11 avec la spinner,sa tige et son contact specifique.
rech decors rochers bumpers et dome topper pour un whitewater.

Avatar du membre
Dept: 13
Collec Perso: 2 flips
Rech/Achete: 0 flip
Messages : 2779
Enregistré le : 01/01/2016
Niveau : Initié
Pro / revendeur : non


Message par Kokorico » jeu. 14 01, 2021 11:10

jm38 a écrit :
jeu. 14 01, 2021 08:25
... il part chez un ami pour quelques semaines en échange d'un jurassik park
Tu as gagné au change et pense qu'il ne va pas repartir d'aussitôt vers son propriétaire!... :x24:
Modifié en dernier par Kokorico le jeu. 14 01, 2021 11:13, modifié 1 fois.
Que notre âme "d'enfant" soit éternelle!... :x26:
Good Games!!!... :))=:

Avatar du membre
Dept: 13
Collec Perso: 2 flips
Rech/Achete: 0 flip
Messages : 2779
Enregistré le : 01/01/2016
Niveau : Initié
Pro / revendeur : non


Message par Kokorico » jeu. 14 01, 2021 11:12

jb a écrit :
jeu. 14 01, 2021 11:08
de toute façon,avec tous les verrins de pied au plus bas,vous avez la bonne pente a 6,5 degrés normalement.
Cela n'est pas évident et tout dépend du sol... :wink:
Que notre âme "d'enfant" soit éternelle!... :x26:
Good Games!!!... :))=:
