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Message par Yanflip » lun. 02 03, 2020 00:27

Et pourtant... ce flip bien réglé est une tuerie... Stern a chié et flingué ce flip avant méme qu'il sorte...

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Message par evr » mar. 03 03, 2020 01:20

Ce flipper me donne pas envie du tout ...déjà la tête du T-REX du jp est parfois chiante à faire manger la bille si mal réglé ,j'ai galéré à régler çà, au point que si j'avais su ,j'aurai pris une version pro... mais alors là c'est encore pire avec cette fleur sur les vidéos çà rentre à tout casser 1 fois sur 5 et encore...je trouvais le nouveau elvira vide mais celui là est encore pire en décor, il n'y a peut être que les fans de la série à qui celà plaira ,pour moi ne connaissant pas le série ,il ne m'attire pas du tout car je le trouve très moche au moins c'est un flipper que je ne voudrais pas dans le futur...

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Message par MattMk1 » jeu. 12 03, 2020 22:39

ca donne quoi à la maison

car ce soir j'y ai joué en exploite je me suis régaler

c'est clair que c'est super rapide il faut grave maîtrisé la bille !

il reste dur mais plus facile q'un ghostbuster

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Message par Yanflip » jeu. 12 03, 2020 23:02

Moi jai deja dit : tres bon flip a la maison. Different des derniers stern.

Ce genre de flip que tu allumes, tu fais une partie pour dire de... puis tu perds, mais cest ta faute car tu as été nul et tu sens que tu peux faire mieux, bcp mieux... alors tu rejoues, et 2h aprés, tes encore dessus...

Voilà... bref cest pas compliqué mais jouissif !

Et on est qu'en 0.86 !! Ils annoncent pleins de contenus à venir. Ok, faut voir pour le croire. Mais, je pense que le code finit, ce flip va être une bombe.

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Message par metwurcht » ven. 13 03, 2020 17:03

Un petit mail de stern !
Il collecte les audits des joueurs de stranger things.
J avais déjà vu gary au festiflip récupérer les audits des games of throne fraîchement sortis.
A+ Guillaume

For any Stranger Things owners, we're looking to analyze gameplay audits regardless of your location. If you're interested in helping, please e-mail your audits to eleven@sternpinball.com.

Here are instructions for getting audits from your game:

1. Open coin door and navigate to service menu
2. Navigate to “AUD” and select
3. Navigate to “DUMP” and select
4. Insert USB memory stick and follow on screen prompts
5. Insert USB stick into your computer and copy text file off USB stick and send to: eleven@sternpinball.com

If you happen to be an IFPA ranked player, please send your player ID number as well in the e-mail. Thanks!
KIFF LE (n°79);Iron Mädchen LE (n°495) ; Apérosmith LE ( n°402) ; GUMS LE ;TRANSFORMATEUR COMBO LE(n°37) ;CATMAN66 ; lethalica monster premium.
Metwurcht sur insider connected
Guillaume sur scorbit

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Message par mathbou » sam. 21 03, 2020 00:38

evr a écrit :
mar. 03 03, 2020 01:20
Ce flipper me donne pas envie du tout ...déjà la tête du T-REX du jp est parfois chiante à faire manger la bille si mal réglé ,j'ai galéré à régler çà, au point que si j'avais su ,j'aurai pris une version pro... mais alors là c'est encore pire avec cette fleur sur les vidéos çà rentre à tout casser 1 fois sur 5 et encore...je trouvais le nouveau elvira vide mais celui là est encore pire en décor, il n'y a peut être que les fans de la série à qui celà plaira ,pour moi ne connaissant pas le série ,il ne m'attire pas du tout car je le trouve très moche au moins c'est un flipper que je ne voudrais pas dans le futur...
C’est pour cela qu’il ne faut pas à tout prix acheter un Neuf dans la boîte... au moins le flipper a quelques parties il a été un peu régler... et si il te plaît tu l’achètes... j’ai acheté mes 3 flippers comme ça et ça me va bien. Et si on a pas envie de trop avoir à toucher alors les versions pro sont parfois plus faciles.
patience............. :x25: :-%:
Insider connected : BouBoufe

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Message par LABENNE » mar. 31 03, 2020 21:15

Salut alors des nouveaux avis ??????

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Message par MattMk1 » mer. 01 04, 2020 00:21

oui encore des avis ???

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Message par jb » ven. 03 04, 2020 00:27

nouvelle misea jour.
la version 0.87
en esperant que ça aille vite vers la version 1.00 quand mme.

PRO V0.87.0 - April 2, 2020

- Added speech to the Turn up the Heat advance/final shot awards.
- Removed an instance of a green screen during Break Out that was displayed
instead of the mode total.
- Fixed a display effect transition glitch that occurred at the end of Operation
Mirkwood if the mode was completed, i.e. the alphabet wall was visible for a
few frames
- Added logic to reset the Demodog targets after BreakOut is finished running.
- Added Operation Mirkwood mode completed speech to sync with visuals.
- Improved how long the Quarter Hunt "switch values grow" display effect runs.
- Fixed a problem with the blink rate of the 2nd Total Isolation Multiball
start lamp effect lamps.
- Fixed a problem in the 2nd Total Isolation Multiball where the shot
arrows did not show completed progress correctly.
- Now you are able to advance Burn it Back while Double Scoring is active.
- Now Double Scoring time can no longer be extended via a shot to the left eject.
- Now the left eject pauses the ball save timer during the Super Skill Shot
- Fixed Where's Barb speech, i.e. Hopper should not be talking.
- Added speech to the Quarter Hunt threshold and Switch Value Grows awards.
- Changed Story Mode background artwork to reduce any load time hitches
- Added an adjustment for the number of "Spotted" Demodog Attack starts that
are allowed via a shot to the left eject. Default = 1.
- Changed the default number of "Spotted" mode starts that are allowed via the
left lane target. Default = 2.
- Now the spinner contributes more to awarded switch closures during Morse Code.
- Added a new display/sound/lamp effect to Quarter Hunt for shooting the
left/right ramp. Each shot to the left/right ramp raises the value of each
switch closure by 25K.
- Added threshold score awards to Quarter Hunt. Now 25 switch hits
score = 1 Million, the next 25 switch hits score 2.5 Million, the next 25
switch hits score 5 Million, and the last 25 switch hits score 10M.
- Removed an instance of a green screen in an Operation Mirkwood display effect.
- Changed the logic that determines which mode start shot is spotted via a shot
to the left lane target.
- Added an adjustment for the number for "spotted" mode starts that are allowed
via a shot to the left lane target.
- Added speech to the Lure Dart progress/completed awards.
- Raised the volume of the Operation Mirkwood start speech.
- Removed a black frame that occurred on the display during Operation Mirkwood
when making alternating ramps shots.
- Added speech to Operation Mirkwood.
- Changed the scoring for Operation Mirkwood. Now scoring increases based upon
making consecutive combo shots. Finishing the mode scores 10M.
- Added lamp logic to Operation Mirkwood to temporarily flash the lit combo
shots faster.
- Added Telekinesis Multiball progress to instant info.
- Added logic to allow the left lane target to spot/advance a mode start shot.
- Added logic to keep the "Bust Out" and "What's That" strobing center lamps
on longer when other modes/multiballs are active
- Fix a problem with the "What's That" strobing lamp sequence where a lamp in
the sequence was not being lit.
- Added logic to allow the left eject to spot/award a lit Demodog target.
- Fixed a bug that caused the ball to sit at the left post for 55 seconds while
the Mystery Spell of Protection display effect ran.
- Fixed a problem with the What's That center arrow lamp. The arrow lamp used
during this mode might obfuscate the same lamp being used during a Multiball,
Story mode or Demodog mode. Now, the lit arrow lamp will illuminate for any
number of modes/multiballs that are running concurrently.
- Fixed a problem with the Bust Out center arrow lamp. The arrow lamp used during
this mode might obfuscate the same lamp being used during a multiball,
Story mode or Demodog mode. Now, the lit arrow lamp will illuminate for any
number of modes/multiballs that are running concurrently.
- Fixed a bug where a shot into the Demogorgon's mouth did not compensate/score
the center lane award for "It's a Trap".
- Fixed a bug during Telekinesis Multiball where the 2X/3X lock timer would
prematurely count down during award presentations.
- Changed the volume of the Operation Mirkwood start sound F/X so it can be
heard during the Operation Mirkwood start speech event.
- Improved how Lure Dart art assets are displayed.
- Changed the volume of the Follow the Compass start sound F/X so it can be
heard during the Follow the Compass start speech event.
- Added speech call outs to the "Follow the Compass" mode.
- Fixed a bug where the wrong Follow the Compass sound F/X and Display F/X were
being activated.
- Added speech call outs of Nancy that are heard during the "Where's Barb"
mode awards.
- Added speech call outs of Jonathan and Nancy that are heard during
"Get Me Out" mode awards.
- Fixed a problem with Junk Yard, It's a Trap, and Demogorgon Ready arrow lamp
resources. The arrow lamps used during these modes might obfuscate the same
arrow lamps being used during a multiball or story mode. Now, a lit lamp
arrow will illuminate for any number of modes/multiballs that are running
- Now the Demodog mode's target/shot lamps strobe faster.
- Added the Left Eject to the list of available shots to award during It's A Trap.
- Improved the graphics in It's a Trap to eliminate display glitches.
- Improved the award text effect in It's a Trap.
- Fixed a bug where a Demogorgon mode/multiball would start prematurely upon
awarding the last shot of Monster Hunting or Get me Out.
- Fixed a problem with the size of the Get Me Out Video Awards that under
certain circumstances could cause the game to crash.
- Fixed a problem where Pop Bumper hits would cause a momentary display hitch
as a Pop Bumper background video starts to run.
- Fixed a problem where the game took a long pause before displaying the
Quarter Hunt mode start graphics.
- Fixed a problem where the score frame boarder and text were not appearing if
the accompanying background video was taking too long to load.
- Added/Reorganized/Renamed game play audits.
- Changed the minimum/max range for the AUTO light extra ball feature awarded
via Burn it Back. When set to AUTO the game periodically adjusts the number
of required burn it back shots needed to light extra ball. The default
setting is 11 shots and the AUTO range is now from 1-25 shots.
- Added Season 1 and Season 2 mode audits for completing a mode.
- Updated to node board firmware v0.58.0

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Message par nico193 » sam. 04 04, 2020 10:32

J’ai mis à jour le mien hier, quelques améliorations par ci par là mais rien de transcendant encore. Le bouton de la lock bar n’est toujours pas utilisé et le video mode non plus. Vivement la version 1.0, y a encore une belle marge de progression !
Sinon au niveau du jeu, j’aime beaucoup la fluidité et les axes de tir à l’attack from mars. On retrouve d’ailleurs beaucoup de choses de l’attack, quelques animations et les ronds bleus à terminer pour engager la finale, dont le 5 way combo ;-) On sent bien la patte du papa de l’attack sur ce jeu !
Y a un sacré goût de « reviens y » qui me manquait sur les derniers stern.
Et surtout quel plaisir de jouer sur un jeu neuf, ça envoie du bois ! Surtout sur celui-ci, qui se joue beaucoup en reprises et au feeling.
Pour finir une photo du bas de plateau, j’ai rarement vu autant d’inserts sur un stern !
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